Can I catch up? How much studying should I do per day? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 14, 2023
For my 4u tutoring I'm pretty behind on the content partly because I am unbothered, school work and at the beginning of complex numbers I was mentally in a bad area. We're having the Module 1 (complex numbers) test at tutor in the school holidays from what he says and now they basically finished teaching complex numbers whilst I only started learning (I'm still teaching/ learning mod-arg confusing af btw) and yeah. I also go tutoring for 3u, physics and chem and it's crazy workload. How screwed am I? How much study should I do (and be mentally stable) for 4u? This is only for tutoring btw not school. Basically, I haven't started 4U at school yet, consider it "accelerated tutoring" in a way.

I wanna drop this damn subject but I want to at least know I've really tried my best before doing so. (or is that a bad idea and just a waste of time considering everytime i think of studying 4U maths it's just pain and agony)


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
I beat everyone in my 4u class who did tutoring lol (though it was a low ranked school lmao but they were "competitive" to an extent). They just seemed more overwhelmed not because the tutoring was garbage (could be) but because they weren't efficient with their time and didn't know what pace they were going at. Tutoring centres generally make you go at a fast pace in order to be able to master the content over a longer period of time than the normal expected time. This leads to better performance in exams however it comes with the cost of more work pressure.

Ultimately its up to you to decide whether you are capable enough to keep up with the pace or if its a burden. Personally complex numbers was the only "new" topic in MX2 along with proofs and rest felt quite easy or flowed from pre existing content (I studied 4u first then 3u so i cant talk about studying in a conventional way LOL). I think it has a learning curve at first but if you put in the effort through your motivation (assumed) for the course and persistence, MX2 will come very naturally.


I'm not going to be that guy whos like "Oh yeah LOL tutoring sucks and you know I got a 99 atar + 10 girlfriends + a nobel prize and i only studied physics/maths with a mcdonalds napkin".

Tutoring is effective and reliable, its just that YOU have to know how to utilise that rather than it being something thats "served" to you. You have to show initiative in your learning there and utilise every resource that YOU are paying. This will also train you for uni because when you do study there, you will have to show some initiative in your learning and go to X professor or Y tutor and be able to know how to ask for help, when to ask, and how to effectively get as much questions answered in a short time.

Don't do tutoring if its just like school, cut it out and go self learn if thats the case. If you can keep up the pace with tutoring centres and you can make use of the extra workload to refine yourself, go ahead.
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Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
For my 4u tutoring I'm pretty behind on the content partly because I am unbothered, school work and at the beginning of complex numbers I was mentally in a bad area. We're having the Module 1 (complex numbers) test at tutor in the school holidays from what he says and now they basically finished teaching complex numbers whilst I only started learning (I'm still teaching/ learning mod-arg confusing af btw) and yeah. I also go tutoring for 3u, physics and chem and it's crazy workload. How screwed am I? How much study should I do (and be mentally stable) for 4u? This is only for tutoring btw not school. Basically, I haven't started 4U at school yet, consider it "accelerated tutoring" in a way.

I wanna drop this damn subject but I want to at least know I've really tried my best before doing so. (or is that a bad idea and just a waste of time considering everytime i think of studying 4U maths it's just pain and agony)
i also did accelearted tutoring for mx2 in year 11 and i was rlly bad at math then so it did take me a while to get upto that new caliber, i also fell behind quite a bit but trust me it becomes much easier after ur revise later on and when u cover it again in school its like a breeze to learn, then u just practice applying knowledge and just doing questions


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
I Personally complex numbers was the only "new" topic in MX2 along with proofs and rest felt quite easy or flowed from pre existing content (I studied 4u first then 3u so i cant talk about studying in a conventional way LOL).
lmao same with integration when i learnt it in 3u- i was like bruh thas it?


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
i also did accelearted tutoring for mx2 in year 11 and i was rlly bad at math then so it did take me a while to get upto that new caliber, i also fell behind quite a bit but trust me it becomes much easier after ur revise later on and when u cover it again in school its like a breeze to learn, then u just practice applying knowledge and just doing questions
Bro whys ur atar aim 85, arent u doing mx2?


dentista 😍🫶
Apr 10, 2023
am i the only one finding adv content difficult atm, applications of calc makes me wanna 🤡🔫


New Member
Feb 14, 2023
I beat everyone in my 4u class who did tutoring lol (though it was a low ranked school lmao but they were "competitive" to an extent). They just seemed more overwhelmed not because the tutoring was garbage (could be) but because they weren't efficient with their time and didn't know what pace they were going at. Tutoring centres generally make you go at a fast pace in order to be able to master the content over a longer period of time than the normal expected time. This leads to better performance in exams however it comes with the cost of more work pressure.

Ultimately its up to you to decide whether you are capable enough to keep up with the pace or if its a burden. Personally complex numbers was the only "new" topic in MX2 along with proofs and rest felt quite easy or flowed from pre existing content (I studied 4u first then 3u so i cant talk about studying in a conventional way LOL). I think it has a learning curve at first but if you put in the effort through your motivation (assumed) for the course and persistence, MX2 will come very naturally.


I'm not going to be that guy whos like "Oh yeah LOL tutoring sucks and you know I got a 99 atar + 10 girlfriends + a nobel prize and i only studied physics/maths with a mcdonalds napkin".

Tutoring is effective and reliable, its just that YOU have to know how to utilise that rather than it being something thats "served" to you. You have to show initiative in your learning there and utilise every resource that YOU are paying. This will also train you for uni because when you do study there, you will have to show some initiative in your learning and go to X professor or Y tutor and be able to know how to ask for help, when to ask, and how to effectively get as much questions answered in a short time.

Don't do tutoring if its just like school, cut it out and go self learn if thats the case. If you can keep up the pace with tutoring centres and you can make use of the extra workload to refine yourself, go ahead.
I basically go tutoring as my school lol the teachers at my school are so bad for science and maths, my teacher is a standard teacher teaching math adv LOL so yeah I have to rely on tutoring. If I went to cherrybrook and had Eddie Woo as my teacher, I wouldnt have to go tutoring T_T


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
I basically go tutoring as my school lol the teachers at my school are so bad for science and maths, my teacher is a standard teacher teaching math adv LOL so yeah I have to rely on tutoring. If I went to cherrybrook and had Eddie Woo as my teacher, I wouldnt have to go tutoring T_T

Yeah bro keep ur tutor then, if ur tutors garbage at teaching then learn from ur tutor and abuse him (not physically), make sure you ask all ur qs, help with him.

Tutoring is def necessary for u

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