Hi, I'm in year 9 and applying for year 10 in girra, hornsby, and baulko. I applied to sghs, baulko, and girra last year, and I gave the hast. fyi, I had moved from the US 2 months before giving the hast, and applied as soon as I arrived. I did about 2 weeks of test prep for hast from notes edu, and got top 10% for math and top 25% for reading and writing, but i absolutely bombed the abstract reasoning 
I had a lot of extracurriculars in my application last year (like 10-15), and since the US has a different grading system, I had 96+ in all my subjects. Sydney girls and baulko don't ask for hast, but I still didn't get in, prob because my grades were from the US.
This year I've been prepping months ahead, and my grades for term 2 last year are half A's and half B's (less important subjects tho like music), but I'm kinda nervous about these.
This year I chose my subjects so they're better. I haven't gotten all my marks back yet, but so far an A for science, A for accelerated maths (kinda my best subject- like a 97 average), A for geo, A for pdhpe, B for english (one mark away ugh) and I have to get my marks for pass, commerce, and history, but I think I can get an A for these, or at least two A's. I want to get a bit of an idea of whether these marks are ok and worth giving a try? I know they're not that great so I wanted to get an idea.
My extracurriculars are the same, I did a lot such as knockout basketball team, cross country zones, school age champion for 15's swimming, volleyball squad, amc distinction last year, academic effort award last year, vocal ensemble, 1st in the stage 4 school public speaking comp last year, debate team, etc.
For hast prep currently, I'm trying to focus a lot on abstract reasoning, because that's definitely my weak point. I'd appreciate any tips for practice questions for hast abstract reasoning and prep material for any other subject too! fyi, my school is not that great, but it's one of the higher ranked non-selective public schools if that makes a difference...?
Just want to get an idea from anyone who's done this of whether my application is competitive. Sorry for writing a lot lol!

I had a lot of extracurriculars in my application last year (like 10-15), and since the US has a different grading system, I had 96+ in all my subjects. Sydney girls and baulko don't ask for hast, but I still didn't get in, prob because my grades were from the US.
This year I've been prepping months ahead, and my grades for term 2 last year are half A's and half B's (less important subjects tho like music), but I'm kinda nervous about these.
This year I chose my subjects so they're better. I haven't gotten all my marks back yet, but so far an A for science, A for accelerated maths (kinda my best subject- like a 97 average), A for geo, A for pdhpe, B for english (one mark away ugh) and I have to get my marks for pass, commerce, and history, but I think I can get an A for these, or at least two A's. I want to get a bit of an idea of whether these marks are ok and worth giving a try? I know they're not that great so I wanted to get an idea.
My extracurriculars are the same, I did a lot such as knockout basketball team, cross country zones, school age champion for 15's swimming, volleyball squad, amc distinction last year, academic effort award last year, vocal ensemble, 1st in the stage 4 school public speaking comp last year, debate team, etc.
For hast prep currently, I'm trying to focus a lot on abstract reasoning, because that's definitely my weak point. I'd appreciate any tips for practice questions for hast abstract reasoning and prep material for any other subject too! fyi, my school is not that great, but it's one of the higher ranked non-selective public schools if that makes a difference...?
Just want to get an idea from anyone who's done this of whether my application is competitive. Sorry for writing a lot lol!