I choose imperialism too !!! How did u structure it? i structured it around nubia and then Palestine and added a bunch of stuff abt each pharaoh. i was also like imperialism is weird coz its there only in nubia, kind of in Palestine but even that disappears when thutmose 4 and amenhotep 3 come onto the scene even entering into their alliance w the mittani
I dissagreed with the quote because the lady said that Egypt's Imperialistic agenda started of "by accident", which i dont think so, so i sturcutred it in terms of three pharoahs and the progression of imperialism
Ahmose: Egypt was newly consolidated and in order to prevent its "superioty from being rudely dashed to the ground again" [historian quote], Ahmose embarked on a series of DELIBRATE military campaigns , i really focused on the one detailed in ahmose,son of ebana's tomb in which he goes to nubia to silence dissdents and comes back with gold and medjay warriors ---> i agreed with the part of the quote in which she said that miltarism brought back treasure and resources
In order to justify and legitimsie her rule hatshepsut embarked n a Traditional new kingdom Imperialistc agenda by also conducting military campgains like her predecessors, i talked about her campagian to gaza and her expedtion to punt, and whilst it was a trading expedition, it was still imperialistc, but again not on accident as the quote suggests but very delibrate to legitimise her rule. Talked also about the resources part in the quote with descriptions on dier el bahri and myrrh and gold
Thut 3:
I talked about the impementation of spheres of influence with the mitanni like you, and added the capture of megiddo.
I hope that makes sense