Hey, everyone

I‘m scared for maths ext 1 next year. If anyone has completed prelim, is it hard

FYI, I was in 5.3 maths this year but I failed two of the assessments and barely scraped by in passing the course overall.

(I ended up with B7 on my RoSA, which I’m pretty sure is kinda bad if you’re in 5.3).
I tried really hard in my study towards the assessments but during assessments my mind shuts off and I forget EVERYTHING istg.
Does anyone have any tips on how to combat test anxiety, along with addressing careless errors.
Sidenote, I am aiming for a 99+ ATAR and getting into med school to become a GP (I know it’s very ambitious and very unachievable) along with getting all - rounder in HSC. I am willing to put the work into achieving this. My family is not in the financial position to afford tutoring so I will need to work hard.
In summary, is it possible to have an ‘academic glow-up’ such that I achieve a 99+ ATAR, or am I just delusional and in denial and what should I do over the holidays to prepare?
I wish everyone the best of luck and pray for your successes going into prelims next year!
P.s - Sorry for my very unorganised writing (my brain ain’t functioning after my traumatic y10 yearlies

P.s 2 - I’m planning on taking 4u.