94.35 ATAR 2023 | Legal Studies 1st Rank in School | Legal Studies Tutoring (1 Viewer)


New Member
Dec 26, 2023
Hi! I'm offering tutoring for Legal Studies both Preliminary and HSC. As a student who worked hard and got the results, I am aware and well-versed in what is required to attain these results.

- I have a range of notes and resources that would assist you.
- Tips and knowledge to tackle exams
- In-depth explanations will be provided for deeper understanding
- I have a bank of practice questions and will be able to give feedback on all written responses.
- They will be personalised lessons to suit your needs, to turn those weaknesses into strengths.

- Consistently maintained an average above 90 in Legal Studies during Year 12
- 1st in Legal Studies in both Year 11 and Year 12
- 93 in HSC, 94 in Trials

- $50/h for individual 1 on 1 tutoring
- $30/h for small groups of 2-3

Please contact me at flyingace299@gmail.com if you're interested!
Last edited:
Nov 1, 2020
Hi! I'm offering tutoring for Legal Studies both Preliminary and HSC. As a student who worked hard and got the results, I am aware and well-versed in what is required to attain these results.

- I have a range of notes and resources that would assist you.
- Tips and knowledge to tackle exams
- In-depth explanations will be provided for deeper understanding
- I have a bank of practice questions and will be able to give feedback on all written responses.
- They will be personalised lessons to suit your needs, to turn those weaknesses into strengths.

- Consistently maintained an average above 90 in Legal Studies during Year 12
- 1st in Legal Studies in both Year 11 and Year 12
- 93 in HSC, 94 in Trials

- $50/h for individual 1 on 1 tutoring
- $30/h for small groups of 2-3

Please contact me at flyingace299@gmail.com if you're interested!
not to seem rude but I reckon u should lower your prices since you just left hsc, I would understand if u had a 99 in legal or a state rank but that seems overkill. Getting a 88-94 in legal studies is 80% done on the school u go to and your rank, anything above that is an achievement and shows a high level of knowledge in the subject.
Still amazing mark, though I would reconsider the pricing, I d think 50 an hour is worth it, 35 seems more reasonable. I charged 30 an hour for one on one and got 97 in hsc legal.


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers
Hi! I'm offering tutoring for Legal Studies both Preliminary and HSC. As a student who worked hard and got the results, I am aware and well-versed in what is required to attain these results.

- I have a range of notes and resources that would assist you.
- Tips and knowledge to tackle exams
- In-depth explanations will be provided for deeper understanding
- I have a bank of practice questions and will be able to give feedback on all written responses.
- They will be personalised lessons to suit your needs, to turn those weaknesses into strengths.

- Consistently maintained an average above 90 in Legal Studies during Year 12
- 1st in Legal Studies in both Year 11 and Year 12
- 93 in HSC, 94 in Trials

- $50/h for individual 1 on 1 tutoring
- $30/h for small groups of 2-3

Please contact me at flyingace299@gmail.com if you're interested!
what options r u gonna teach
Nov 1, 2020
what options r u gonna teach
I've been teaching family consumer and shelter and all my students this year got a b6 (though they did go to a good school which made the whole ranking thing easier).
I also d do any more paid tutoring, I only do free tutoring for those who can give me proof of financial difficulties and volunteer work since most people charge so much money now for tutoring and I feel like its all a cashgrab at this point.


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers
I've been teaching family consumer and shelter and all my students this year got a b6 (though they did go to a good school which made the whole ranking thing easier).
I also d do any more paid tutoring, I only do free tutoring for those who can give me proof of financial difficulties and volunteer work since most people charge so much money now for tutoring and I feel like its all a cashgrab at this point.
ur the 🐐 idc

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
not to seem rude but I reckon u should lower your prices since you just left hsc, I would understand if u had a 99 in legal or a state rank but that seems overkill. Getting a 88-94 in legal studies is 80% done on the school u go to and your rank, anything above that is an achievement and shows a high level of knowledge in the subject.
Still amazing mark, though I would reconsider the pricing, I d think 50 an hour is worth it, 35 seems more reasonable. I charged 30 an hour for one on one and got 97 in hsc legal.
idk what ur on about 💀 Mine charges 70/hr
Nov 1, 2020
honestly is it even worth your time at that point like you might as well work retail then, by the time you account for all the hassle and setup and inconsistent hours in tutoring that just doesn’t sound worth it
Well I make money from other stuff, mind you your first job is not gonna be a shit ton of money u have to start from somewhere. Just like u r expecting to make money the parents who pay u also have to work. D expect them to make more than u. That’s y I d charge, i k my parents would not have been able to afford to pay for tutoring. Honestly I d think u need tutoring unless if u need to accelerate or need to clarify something. Otherwise multiple sessions is not needed. Anyone charging 50+ is honestly scamming especially for HsC subjects unless if u r some rich guy I wouldn’t pay that. Mind you people d even do tutoring and get 99 atars and that’s not because they are very smart, it’s because the choose the right subjects and go to a good school. So u d need to pay that much. Only worth paying more than 30-59 bucks if u r tutoring ucat or gamsat otherwise u being unrealistic.
If these 99.95 atar students got the same marks and studied the same amount but went to a bad school they would not get the same mark, therefore the amount of money u pay is dumb. All matters on effort, which school u go to and how u rank
Nov 1, 2020
idk what ur on about 💀 Mine charges 70/hr
That’s too much man, I state ranked with 0 tutoring, I did not go to an amazing school and I could not afford tutoring. All u have to do is memorise the right stuff. Most people charge so much and make u come back to them so they get more cash. Each time I did charge people I made sure they only needed me twice at best. Otherwise it meant that I myself was not a good tutor. Especially for legal studies and bio, you just need to learn certain things and the rest is all self application. Paying for marking legal essays is dumb, u can pay to write one and get your teacher to review it because at the end of the day u can have a killer essay but if your teacher doesn’t like how u structured it, u won’t get the marks.
I’ve tutored 17 students and all of them got 91+ for legal and for all of them I’ve only taught them for 4 hours max each. Mind u most of them were hard workers and memorised what I told them to and practiced everything well despite not going to a top 200 hsc school. So charging so much money is honeslty shocking.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
Well I make money from other stuff, mind you your first job is not gonna be a shit ton of money u have to start from somewhere. Just like u r expecting to make money the parents who pay u also have to work. D expect them to make more than u. That’s y I d charge, i k my parents would not have been able to afford to pay for tutoring. Honestly I d think u need tutoring unless if u need to accelerate or need to clarify something. Otherwise multiple sessions is not needed. Anyone charging 50+ is honestly scamming especially for HsC subjects unless if u r some rich guy I wouldn’t pay that. Mind you people d even do tutoring and get 99 atars and that’s not because they are very smart, it’s because the choose the right subjects and go to a good school. So u d need to pay that much. Only worth paying more than 30-59 bucks if u r tutoring ucat or gamsat otherwise u being unrealistic.
If these 99.95 atar students got the same marks and studied the same amount but went to a bad school they would not get the same mark, therefore the amount of money u pay is dumb. All matters on effort, which school u go to and how u rank
That’s too much man, I state ranked with 0 tutoring, I did not go to an amazing school and I could not afford tutoring. All u have to do is memorise the right stuff. Most people charge so much and make u come back to them so they get more cash. Each time I did charge people I made sure they only needed me twice at best. Otherwise it meant that I myself was not a good tutor. Especially for legal studies and bio, you just need to learn certain things and the rest is all self application. Paying for marking legal essays is dumb, u can pay to write one and get your teacher to review it because at the end of the day u can have a killer essay but if your teacher doesn’t like how u structured it, u won’t get the marks.
I’ve tutored 17 students and all of them got 91+ for legal and for all of them I’ve only taught them for 4 hours max each. Mind u most of them were hard workers and memorised what I told them to and practiced everything well despite not going to a top 200 hsc school. So charging so much money is honeslty shocking.
if all this is true, you’re missing out here … raise the prices!
Nov 1, 2020
if all this is true, you’re missing out here … raise the prices!
I do it for free now for people who can’t afford tutoring and want to get 95+ atars but d have money to get help. I want More people from my community to get into competitive degrees as many people are super smart but because of their school and financ they are not able to get into the competitive courses which I find to be sad. I may not be making money off of it, but Im happy and am sure good karma would come my way by helping others who were in the same spot as I was
i d think I’m missing out, the only ones who are missing out are the students who can’t afford education because of their parents finances which is not something they can control


New Member
May 7, 2022
Well I make money from other stuff, mind you your first job is not gonna be a shit ton of money u have to start from somewhere. Just like u r expecting to make money the parents who pay u also have to work. D expect them to make more than u. That’s y I d charge, i k my parents would not have been able to afford to pay for tutoring. Honestly I d think u need tutoring unless if u need to accelerate or need to clarify something. Otherwise multiple sessions is not needed. Anyone charging 50+ is honestly scamming especially for HsC subjects unless if u r some rich guy I wouldn’t pay that. Mind you people d even do tutoring and get 99 atars and that’s not because they are very smart, it’s because the choose the right subjects and go to a good school. So u d need to pay that much. Only worth paying more than 30-59 bucks if u r tutoring ucat or gamsat otherwise u being unrealistic.
If these 99.95 atar students got the same marks and studied the same amount but went to a bad school they would not get the same mark, therefore the amount of money u pay is dumb. All matters on effort, which school u go to and how u rank
I’m gonna play devils advocate a bit, imo tutoring really isn’t necessary and if your parents can’t comfortably afford tutoring they really shouldn’t be buying it - if rich parents want to buy tutoring then that’s their choice and at that point I really don’t have any moral qualms with the idea of a broke uni student who needs the money charging a high rate from parents who are well off anyway. What you’re doing by offering free tutoring to low socioeconomic students is very commendable but I don’t think that other people should feel bad for valuing their time and charging what the market will bear when they need the money


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2022
Well I make money from other stuff, mind you your first job is not gonna be a shit ton of money u have to start from somewhere. Just like u r expecting to make money the parents who pay u also have to work. D expect them to make more than u. That’s y I d charge, i k my parents would not have been able to afford to pay for tutoring. Honestly I d think u need tutoring unless if u need to accelerate or need to clarify something. Otherwise multiple sessions is not needed. Anyone charging 50+ is honestly scamming especially for HsC subjects unless if u r some rich guy I wouldn’t pay that. Mind you people d even do tutoring and get 99 atars and that’s not because they are very smart, it’s because the choose the right subjects and go to a good school. So u d need to pay that much. Only worth paying more than 30-59 bucks if u r tutoring ucat or gamsat otherwise u being unrealistic.
If these 99.95 atar students got the same marks and studied the same amount but went to a bad school they would not get the same mark, therefore the amount of money u pay is dumb. All matters on effort, which school u go to and how u rank
That’s too much man, I state ranked with 0 tutoring, I did not go to an amazing school and I could not afford tutoring. All u have to do is memorise the right stuff. Most people charge so much and make u come back to them so they get more cash. Each time I did charge people I made sure they only needed me twice at best. Otherwise it meant that I myself was not a good tutor. Especially for legal studies and bio, you just need to learn certain things and the rest is all self application. Paying for marking legal essays is dumb, u can pay to write one and get your teacher to review it because at the end of the day u can have a killer essay but if your teacher doesn’t like how u structured it, u won’t get the marks.
I’ve tutored 17 students and all of them got 91+ for legal and for all of them I’ve only taught them for 4 hours max each. Mind u most of them were hard workers and memorised what I told them to and practiced everything well despite not going to a top 200 hsc school. So charging so much money is honeslty shocking.
as someone who also went to a "not so amazing school" compared to some others (mind u, its not that bad its like ~180ish) which was in a lower socioeconomic area, and also did 0 tutoring, the rank of the school isnt really that important as long as u can get 1st and then do well in the hsc, and i will say that attending a top school isnt going to guarantee you a 99+ atar, yes there is some "boosting" going on for sure lmao but dont forget that 50% of your mark is exam, even if u got a 90 internal "for free" due to the schools ranking if u bomb the exam its not going to save you. that being said given lower quality of teachers (my experience at my school was all good though, didnt have any bad teachers) and a less competitive environment, it can be harder to succeed, so i commend your work in helping others out for free.

however, the game is the game, and naturally tutors with good results are going to charge a ton of money such as 90+/hr, i agree that it is way too much even if you have achieved 99.95 but guess what, for some rich parents who send their kid to the most expensive private schools in the state that is like a 5 cent coin. charging someone who is in a struggling financial situation that much is super unethical imo, but dont forget that half these tutors are from willoughby/north sydney/woollahra councils, and so naturally attract students from that area who can afford it. overall id agree though, i think tutoring is basically a scam for 99% of students, the time that you spend in tutoring sessions u could just be studying yourself, and especially if u attend a "good school" u could just ask ur teacher for help anyway, and the content is probably taught well, so theres no point of a tutor teaching and repeating what was said in class for no good reason. id say the only benefit of tutoring is if you are in that environment where there's not very much help / resources available for you, aka the people who cant afford it, so its quite sad that the prices are inflated to the point where these students cant afford what might help them achieve high, but as they say the rich get richer, so naturally rich kids get tutored by rich tutors and the poorer students are often locked out of the additional help you.
Nov 1, 2020
as someone who also went to a "not so amazing school" compared to some others (mind u, its not that bad its like ~180ish) which was in a lower socioeconomic area, and also did 0 tutoring, the rank of the school isnt really that important as long as u can get 1st and then do well in the hsc, and i will say that attending a top school isnt going to guarantee you a 99+ atar, yes there is some "boosting" going on for sure lmao but dont forget that 50% of your mark is exam, even if u got a 90 internal "for free" due to the schools ranking if u bomb the exam its not going to save you. that being said given lower quality of teachers (my experience at my school was all good though, didnt have any bad teachers) and a less competitive environment, it can be harder to succeed, so i commend your work in helping others out for free.

however, the game is the game, and naturally tutors with good results are going to charge a ton of money such as 90+/hr, i agree that it is way too much even if you have achieved 99.95 but guess what, for some rich parents who send their kid to the most expensive private schools in the state that is like a 5 cent coin. charging someone who is in a struggling financial situation that much is super unethical imo, but dont forget that half these tutors are from willoughby/north sydney/woollahra councils, and so naturally attract students from that area who can afford it. overall id agree though, i think tutoring is basically a scam for 99% of students, the time that you spend in tutoring sessions u could just be studying yourself, and especially if u attend a "good school" u could just ask ur teacher for help anyway, and the content is probably taught well, so theres no point of a tutor teaching and repeating what was said in class for no good reason. id say the only benefit of tutoring is if you are in that environment where there's not very much help / resources available for you, aka the people who cant afford it, so its quite sad that the prices are inflated to the point where these students cant afford what might help them achieve high, but as they say the rich get richer, so naturally rich kids get tutored by rich tutors and the poorer students are often locked out of the additional help you.
Exactly well said, though if I was a rich north shore child wanting to pay a shit ton for tutoring you would expect the tutor to have at least 95+ for the subject they are tutoring.
Nov 1, 2020
I’m gonna play devils advocate a bit, imo tutoring really isn’t necessary and if your parents can’t comfortably afford tutoring they really shouldn’t be buying it - if rich parents want to buy tutoring then that’s their choice and at that point I really don’t have any moral qualms with the idea of a broke uni student who needs the money charging a high rate from parents who are well off anyway. What you’re doing by offering free tutoring to low socioeconomic students is very commendable but I don’t think that other people should feel bad for valuing their time and charging what the market will bear when they need the money
Well said, I think my main issue is that of u want tutoring get it from someone who has done very very well. I feel ask though students themselves will end up paying so much for someone who hasn’t gotten that well and could have replicated that by studying on their own. Would be better for them to go to someone who actually got 95+ for said subject. But I guess that’s the grind, though I feel as though parents d k how scaling works and just pay money mindlessly to a uni student who tells them that they did good in the hsc which does not correlate to good teaching. But hey, idm the rich north shore Sydney grammar boys paying an extra 400 dollars on top of there 40k school fee 😂

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