If SOR I was a choice in my school, I would've done it tbh but our school doesn't offer it

. I agree with you that Buddhism and Islam is the easiest to talk about so I'll definitely be using those two religions as examples more oftenly, but for a 5 mark question, how many examples would you recommend? I'm asking because the test we did in Term 4, which was basically the first term of Year 12, was based off HSC questions and I didn't do too well because I wouldn't explicitly refer back to the statement, meaning that I should have mentioned; "the statement above..." or something along those lines. Also, I would use two strong examples and one weak example (made it on the spot) for some questions but my teacher said I should've used three or more
I went off on a tangent there, but for your answer, would you say that the "influx of migrants was proportional to the diversity of religions throughout Australia", and then mention examples and explain and LINK to the question.