yeah sure I hate my school anyways lemme think of some things

teacher dating?idrk if this is 'tea' but like there's a teacher couple in my school and they're really open about their relationship, she's also like 10 years older than him and got white hair so people think he's into milfs or some shit. Oh yeah but they
had sex somewhere in school and people heard them that was weird shit. theres also a lot of student dating drama, like this guy in our grade cheated with a yr12, funny they did it in the school parking lot. Anyways, he blackmailed his gf with stuff to stay w him, idk what's going on with that but mad shi w the principals. There's also a lot of threesomes and sec going on in school but I'll just skip that part. There's way worse stuff but I dont want my schools reputation to get tarnished or me so that's all u getting!