Hey im thinking about enrolling to sit my LAT but i had a few questions before i drop a few shifts worth of cash on this (i work minimum wage smh
Considering the price (& the fact that i might pay to enrol again next year if my scores aren't high enough), should i do the LAT? Im only in year 11 so im not sure what my predicted ATAR will be so im scared of spending money to do my LAT for nothing as i might get an ATAR thats not really "appropriate" for doing an LLB. Does UNSW consider applications with lower ATARs if the LAT scores are good? if so, how low are we talking?
Also, how should i go about preparing for the LAT? i know i should be doing practice questions and looking over past sample papers but is there anything else i should do to ensure my score is high enough to be considered for an LLB at UNSW?

Considering the price (& the fact that i might pay to enrol again next year if my scores aren't high enough), should i do the LAT? Im only in year 11 so im not sure what my predicted ATAR will be so im scared of spending money to do my LAT for nothing as i might get an ATAR thats not really "appropriate" for doing an LLB. Does UNSW consider applications with lower ATARs if the LAT scores are good? if so, how low are we talking?
Also, how should i go about preparing for the LAT? i know i should be doing practice questions and looking over past sample papers but is there anything else i should do to ensure my score is high enough to be considered for an LLB at UNSW?