O help me wise one
Improvement to your overall performance in the subject through favourable HSC exam performance is possible, especially since you mentioned that you know the subject's content very well. The problem is that, unlike HSC subjects with no major work component, the Industrial Technology HSC exam is only worth 40 marks of the 100 marks that make up the external component (the remaining 60 marks being from the major work component). This means that the extent to which you can improve your overall performance in the subject by performing well in its HSC exam will be limited, especially when compared to the HSC exam of a standard 2-unit subject, which is typically worth 100 marks.
With that being said, the Industrial Technology HSC exam, while only worth 40 marks, is part of the external component, which contributes 50% of your overall HSC mark for the subject. This means that the lower value of the HSC exam compared to other subjects should not deter you from your preparations. Instead, you should still do your utmost in preparation for this subject's HSC exam, so that you can ensure the best possible improvement to your overall performance.
I hope this helps!