Recent content by 4timesb

  1. 4

    Am I idadvantaged for Medicine at my school?

    you know the careers advisors dont put the scaled marks into the ATAR calc...they put the mark they think your gonna get....that calc scales/aligns/whatever for you!!!!
  2. 4


    I like big butts but i cannot cry
  3. 4


    I like big butts but i cannot cry
  4. 4


    I like big butts but i cannot cry
  5. 4


    I like big butts but i cannot cry
  6. 4

    Related text urgent help

    so for my prescribed text ive got Romulus my father and ive already found another article that conveys similar notions. However, i need another related text and was skimming through a list of poems when i stumbled upon u rekon this would be a good idea ( i mean it has kinship...