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  • My status: Potential Trillion-Air
    It’s actually scary how much has changed since the me who didn’t know how to spell “trillionaire” correctly.
    I feel worlds apart from that mentally-broken, heartbroken self.
    And that previous me who said the comment directly above, didn’t even know the least of just what he was getting into.
    But, now you’re more normal and less ordinary than at any point during these 5 years.
    You’re not as normal nor eccentric as you were when you were 14, but you’re closer than ever.
    And then that me above...
    Holy crap so much has changed.
    Everything is going to change, for everyone.
    It's like I've seen everything before, and I'm playing a totally different game to what everyone else currently believes to be part of the main story, but in reality, it isn't even the prologue.
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