T T theism Feb 13, 2010 hehe =D dw i won't be nosey in regards to your income. hmmm.. how old is the oldest person there? is it true that those in public service are usually really lazy compared to private firms?
hehe =D dw i won't be nosey in regards to your income. hmmm.. how old is the oldest person there? is it true that those in public service are usually really lazy compared to private firms?
O O Omie Jay Feb 10, 2010 hah, charawr once called cecil 'controlling' in irc, then i turned it into OMG UR SO CONTROOOOOOOOOLLING OMG! haha
hah, charawr once called cecil 'controlling' in irc, then i turned it into OMG UR SO CONTROOOOOOOOOLLING OMG! haha