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  • probably right...the thread came from a discussion in another thread and a public lecture i went to on climate change at uni, the lecturer basically said it was a load of bollocks
    lol yes.

    i have the article in a magazine somewhere. but yeah its well known.

    oh wells

    sorry if it offended you
    oh i know for sure that they're gay. the hangings were well publicised.

    and yeah maybe i should =/
    i dont understand your question lol

    look, i know that you perceive what i posted up as "inappropriate", but i deemed it necessary (iwas actually repped by other members for my actions). and so did those who instigated "Operation Titstorm" against the government in response to their internet censorship legislation plans.
    it's not porn. there we no depiction of genitals of any sort.

    it's simply pictures of guys kissing.

    i would like to think that posting up pictures of homosexuals being hanged or promoting the slaughtering of homosexuals or asserting that 6 year old girls should be circumcised would be more distasteful and disgusting.
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