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    hmm maybe you should if you can do it
    besides RSC accepts anyone who's doing 3U into 4U
    and they dont really care what mark you get :L
    though they try to discourage you from doing it if they reckon you're not capable enough
    i suggest that you drop your lowest performing subject (except english, coz it's compulsory)
    and coz you can't do photography next year, you'll have to drop it anyway
    i recommend having 12 units, and then maybe dropping down to 10 if you can't take the workload.

    besides, whats ur name :L
    oh your ranks aren't too bad
    just that you might consider lifting up your physics and english marks
    english especially, since it's the only subject that counts..

    with those ranks you'll definitely get an ATAR of around the low 90's...
    but if you want to improve your rank i suggest lifting your english marks for a start...
    since you can always drop physics... :p (which is what I'm going to do)

    btw are you considering doing 4U next year?
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