also thanks for your words of praise, my notes are far from perfect!! Sometimes they dont even have to be functional either… sometimes having the notes is simply an anti-anxiety tool ;)
lol hey im like old and retired from hsc now but i’ll probably continue making similar notes for my uni courses, only i’ll probably not post them here
i exclusively use pages for my notes, its really simple and syncs easily across my devices, and my fonts rly vary across subjects but i like to...
im just asking to get an idea on how much work a typical 6 UOC course at UNSW or any other uni that uses the units system is, compared to say a 2 unit HSC subject
the conception that i have currently is that 6 UOC is roughly equivalent in workload to a single HSC unit? except it's less...
@steve5354 heyy im so sorry.. my mindset changed halfway through year 12 and i no longer felt motivated to make the 3u notes
im glad you like the 2u ones though ;)
i had to use my ruler to measure but it was exactly modulus 7/5 from origin, so i made all my four roots roughly (7/5)^(1/4) just to be safe, so just outside the unit circle
honestly idk if nesa were just being sneaky with making the modulus not 1
i got a srs offer for my desired course in macqaurie too!!!! but while on one hand i feel overwhelming relief i'm also kind of melancholic
like the last week of 13 years of formal education was supposed to be the most stressful, and suddenly this offer just comes in and renders the entire hsc...
here's my two cents
i loooooooooove anki, there is a learning curve but you really don't need to learn much to get started and start benefitting straight away
as for the alternatives like memrise, yes they are more padded and the user interface is nicer to look at but anki is just so much more...
hey everyone!! i'm finally back
to make up for my lack of mx1 notes (eheheh) i'll share my english technique list
this is of course very useful for the common module reading task, but can also be useful for finding quotes in mod a, b and c too!
there are SOOOO many literary techniques here that...
i think there needs to be a consensus on what "harder" means
"harder" to do what?
cos i think what many people consider when they choose a subject is how hard it is to get a good mark in it, say a band 6
and in that case definitely english is on top, because even thought the subject matter of...
i havent done a single hour of study these hols, barely gone out twice, generally feel like a potato
the lack of face-to-face contact with friends is making me very blue
my sleep schedule also waaay out of whack too, i've been sleeping around 3-5am on most days
lets hope im not a lost cause 🍥