I bought 3 lol of same model (2500-3000 each). It was like 4 years ago

. Yeah the man ripped us off cause he took advantage of us because we didn't know anything about computers, Plus we didn't have time to build it. But the computer case itself was $500 itself that's why so expensive, was the best one back then. I didn't know why we needed such a expensive one O.O....
Im thinking of keeping my comp few more years. I just don't want to spend money on more comps XD i play noob games also so yeah don't need a crazy comp. Lol $2000 will get you anything hahahahhahaha today. Why spend sooo much?? Aren't you gonna do other stuff after HSC XD??
me spending 3000 in Korea ^.^ best thing you can do with your money after HSC!!!!!!