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  • yeah fair enough.
    well what can i say without making you completly jealous?
    it was incredible. went on an overnight cruise thingo there, went kayaking and this guy fell into the water - bear in mind that it was less than 10C.. and then we saw the sun set and etc etc... although the not so great part was when i got sea sick as they took us out to the ocean in the morning.
    urghh..... i just dont care about this anymore. i hate the people on this site, none of them would say anything like they do on here to me irl. i guarantee it. oh and im not meeting ashton btw, he doesn't know that yet, but i just dont think i should, i wouldn;t have met him alone though, my mates would come with me, i just can't stand it...

    sorry for ranting, how's things with you?
    I feel like hiring a hitman, or hiring out a boxing hall, filling it with explosives and making all the shit people on here go there, then i will assassinate them all. got i hate this site, but i can't help but post on here. oh fml, at least you have a brain.
    vista really pisses me off imo, but vista is quite slow compared to xp + it always hibernates

    but i don't really care bout both, coz i got windows 7 :D
    lol yer i guess... but last nite we had a lil fite, so no w i feel guilty :(
    it was kinda my fault, i took the joke a lil too far hehe... not good!!
    lol, do u have a bf??
    but i cant say that i can neccesarily blame the 10ers for that, they would start to realise what yr 12 is really about :) but its really good that ur not worried.
    lol, yea we have a website, n the list is probably there, but cbf hehe
    newai, ima go, stupid bf keeps calling! lol
    ttyl, bye
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