Recent content by Mathew587

  1. Mathew587

    What's your favourite sport?

    OOOh baseball. Nah bro ur tall actually gonna be huge :DD
  2. Mathew587

    What's your favourite sport?

    is rock climbing the real reason that you're huge ;;)
  3. Mathew587

    Tutor recommendations for yr 10's+

    Hi guys, What are some good tutoring places i.e. centres and private for yr 10/11s +. Enquiring for Maths and English mainly as of now in the Bankstown area. Thanks :)
  4. Mathew587

    "what should I be doing to boost my career prospects?" AFTER FAILING FOR 2 YEARS

    *bump* i feel sad that i have no idea how to help :/
  5. Mathew587

    lowest mark for eco state rank?

    im quite sure that a state rank refers to the top 5 marks in the state. in that case 100-95 for both your hsc and assesment mark should get you a state rank. i know that last year the highest was 98/100 for eco. lost two marks in mcq rip :(
  6. Mathew587

    2017 HSC Mathematics Paper thoughts

    you guys need to chill. we'll get our marks in a month or so. sigh can do anything now
  7. Mathew587

    For those who finished the 2017 HSC...

    lemme guess... korean? wonder why tho ;)
  8. Mathew587

    To 2017 graduates

    Commerce/computer science at UNSW if I didn't stuff up my HSC ^^)
  9. Mathew587

    What are your favorite brands?

    rich kid i shop at kmart
  10. Mathew587

    Bio exam thoughts

    85? 83 seems to low tbh
  11. Mathew587

    Bio exam thoughts

    you reckon this will be fine? i pretty much drew this but zoomed out like that one hsc q where they had a diagram with the pith in the middle and xylem and phloem if you remember?
  12. Mathew587

    What do you wish you learnt more about from high school?

    Re: What advice or lessons you wish you learnt more about in high school? i dont think theory in that area would have been helpful eitherways tbh
  13. Mathew587

    2017 HSC Mathematics Paper thoughts

    well fuckn should have thought that through :( lmao
  14. Mathew587

    2017 HSC Mathematics Paper thoughts

    yayy u got it right haha. its cos the top half is the positive direction and vice versa. the stationary points only highlight a change in speed i.e. like it slowed down more
  15. Mathew587

    2017 HSC Mathematics Paper thoughts

    It was fine tbh. Lost 7 marks defs for the last two qs and the find x for sin a = sin b qs. Hope I get 85+ fml