LOL Roger!
dude I love your posts . . . I've always wondered who "whoisyourdaddy" was ahhaaa
i've been attending too many parties, i'm tired of it. i'm still waiting for the day where I don't have to think about going anywhere, or work.
doing anything interesting these holidays?
btw what...
I agree; I was merely pointing out that scholarships and marks are not the sole criteria they seek.
I found that I was able to talk about plenty of extra curricular involvement in my application.
I got a PASS Interview for Eco - they were definitely not interested in whether I had scholarships, had a HD average, etc etc
I think the fact that I do Law worked against me, because they became concerned about whether I had the time to take on PASS commitments :S
They spent most of their...
thankyou keith =)
I chose UNSW based on three things. Firstly - Good Universities Guide - ranked UNSW Law as the best across Australia, comparing in terms of many different factors. Secondly, I just felt more comfortable at UNSW. The degree is for 5 years, so I think at that length of time "the...
haha i'm an economics tutor, and i've got alot of students from BoS. which is why i'm still here on occasion =)
its a hypothetical economy, so anything is possible.
using 130 as the base year,
real GDP for year 1 = 6000/130 x 130 = 6000
real GDP for year 2 = 6800/150 x 130 = 5893
which is still a decline in real GDP. and hence its C.
ps I'm studying Economics at uni. if you use the calculations you've used to get answer A, you're essentially no longer...
the formula for real GDP is in fact:
CPI base year
--------------------- x GDP
CPI current year
it doesn't matter whether you use 100 or 130 as your base year for this question, so long as you are consistent with it.
either way, you should find that real GDP has declined in the following...
- like lyounamu has stated, these problems are really about understanding the problem they've given you, and INTERPRETING it in a mathematical manner. Best way to get the hang of this? Just practice. Keep doing past Q10's.
- they generally involve alot of algebra, so perfecting your...
There is no stimulus booklet for belonging.
There used to be a journeys stimulus booklet for the old AOS, but they scrapped it in 2008. So don't stress.