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  • nice

    back in 2009 school cert, stephanie panovski got 100 in geo and 98 in english

    band 6 in everything else too
    Haha cool! And I'm honestly suprised at my Science mark.. didn't ever bother trying to figure out a raw mark, so I have no idea, sorry. Don't worry, I'm sure you did fine!
    Have fun at school! While I shall be sleeping in =P

    Today was my last day, it was just like the Prize giving/speech day though so I didn't go. It's the holidays now! w00t.
    Ah yeah I'm just a PC person.. I'm really crap at FPS's lol so I've never really played COD or anything although I did have BF Bad Company 2.
    Ah okay. So what do you generally play? Skyrim? MW3/BF3? And do you play on console or PC?
    Hah yes thank god you didn't finish that sentence because I am so over that meme! But yeah, Payday isn't that big it was released on Steam for like 20$, I dunno if it's on the consoles or not.. but the main objective is to rob banks and tie up people so yeah, I'm sure it's tons of fun especially with friends~ Any new games you're planning to buy/play over the Christmas break?
    Ha well fine then.. for me 450hrs is a large amount. Usually I move on to another multiplayer before then. I might buy Payday: The Heist soon cos thats 4 player co-op like L4D2 and it looks pretty interesting.
    Just a lot of L4D2, hit 450hrs of playtime this week.. also got Crysis (the first one), so I've been playing that, and I ocassionally do a little bit of Portal 2 co-op with a friend.
    Hi, have seen some of your posts around the place.. just wondering what school you go to?
    I've seen a few of them~ And nope, don't actually have the game cos I don't really have the money right now >< I managed to break a keyboard (a Blackwidow), and so I need to get the money to buy a new one first lol.
    Yeah that meme is everywhere now haha. All over the comments section in Skyrim videos..
    it wasn't a hard test just i had poor time management

    missed out on the later questions due to this

    lol i reckon i'd be lucky to scrape an E4

    oh well, i didn't get into medicine anyway and only need an atar of 92 for my backup course
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