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  • "you think you know much about the subject at all"

    it was ext1, the post you made it in, diddums

    also you don't have to know everything about the subject to work out that you can't lose 4 marks just because you had a swear word in your short story.
    hey sorry for such a late reply
    Are your teachers actually STUCK in Europe? My sister's uni lecturer is *gigglesnort*
    You work @ McDonalds atm? Bakers is such a simple job, I actually think it's become detrimental to me for staying so long there.

    I had my first mid semester exam for anatomy, and it was terrible! Absolutely terrible! Incredibly hard, because 90% of the exam was with body parts (specimens) that had been labelled A,B,C,D and E and then they asked questions. Multiple choice has never been so hard...

    Christina Hendricks is the Hottest Woman in Hollywood :D
    no i was making a point on how the short story may have been shit regardless of the swear word.
    i started to watch season 2 on the net and then ended up watching the rest on showcase :) i just got my bestie into it now and showcase is repeating season 1&2. and i just started to record them and burn them for her hehe. fuckkinngg loovveeee true blood. you either hate it or LOVE it =D
    Oh it's alright.
    Barely anyone came this time round.
    I mean, we still had a great time,
    but yeah, shame you couldn't make it,
    Mabey next time, eh?

    :p Sydney's affordable,
    if you don't mind living in a shitty, one bedroom appartment
    and living off the $10 a week :]
    (or whatever you can busk for, if you're musical)
    Well, you're not screwed if you're really good at cramming...which, I was :D
    My sister thought her EE2 teacher was away...but she got an email asking for everything that she had done over the holidays...which wasn't much at all...

    I work at Bakers Delight *Jig*
    Yes! I officially chose that critical response is the way to go. :D.

    Not bothered for silly stories.

    Although I'm still prelim, it's always good to decide early and get some early drafts in. :)
    sorry i dont think i meant to

    you're p cool so i dont see why i would have negged you
    Hahaha, my boyfriend just admitted he liked GLEE...I don't think I've laughed so hard this week...
    A girl I work with is going back to school tomorrow, too. It looked like she was going to burst into tears
    Done much study?
    Hi again, long time no talk since I gave up trying to convince anyone of anything on that 'homosexuality in Australia' thread.
    If you're online by then, the BoS Fags are having a meetup on the 17th of April (this Saturday) at 2 Pm by the QVB, Near the statue and the dog fountain. If you don't know any of us personally, wear a red T-shirt, so we can spot you out easier. Hope you can make it :]
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