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    I believe in deontological as opposed to consequential becuause our rights are self evident

    i dont need to justify myself like consequentialists do.
    My whole point was that if you look at the emergence of authority from a sociopolitical point of view, in the beginning:
    1. state of nature
    2. group becomes powerful
    3. They become a private police force/military/whatever
    4. They then consolidate and become the government

    I don't see why this consolidation of power and authority is any less likely to occur in an anarchist government than a minarchist one. At least in a democracy we can overthrow our leaders and elect new ones when they centralise their power too much - which is what the US should do.

    I mean look at what thatcher did when she took on the unions and the special interests in their government, if we have the temerity we can refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots even if it means we'll endure high interest rates and unemployment in the short term - and people will actually vote for it.
    Im not a full on anarcho capitalist.

    I am a deontological libertarian.
    I am also a minarchist libertarian.

    To me, the quasi marketisation of what are essentially the pillars of civilisation (the military, the police, an independent judiciary) is retarded. These institutions are better served by the englightened ideals that put limited government into the constitution, and a bill of individual rights in the independent judiciary than some kind of bullshit market.

    After all, these government monopolies obviously emerged from a state of anarchy in the state of nature, so i don't see how reverting back to that is somehow more free.
    Hello, im Rabbi Bob
    I was wondering if you would be interested in joining the wonderful religion of Judaism.
    We are friendly, loving, peaceful and caring. Join the chosen people/race, we will lead to you the light.
    (No circumcision required)
    So are you interested my friend?
    hhahahaha. yeah, back in the old days mate. Is david old field still on air. would love to call the cunt again
    same as what nevery said below. ur sad. neg rep just because u dont like what i have to say. like grow the fuck up.
    you told J-love he can only give neutral rep, now he's gonna wait b4 negging people
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