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  • Yeah, they're dolling them out like condiments in New york these days... I've just officially gotten 0 on at least two, because I couldn't get them in on time. Yay for me and my impeccable organizational skills! >__<

    Ummm holidays... God, i don't even think that far in the future... ummm two weeks I think... feels like an eternity.

    Hahahaha you don't have to worry about me, on the VERY rare occasion that I'm feeling like shit, I'll sneak off with my guitar and run off to your door for a while :p
    certainly cheered me up the first time :]

    Hahahaha I don't know the song, but it sounds like a rip-off of 'say a little prayer for me', and generally, a rip off of a bad song is only worse, so don't get your hopes up of that happening sober :p We could exchange it for a Dillinger mosh! sounds like a fair trade :p

    Actually, I'll bring my iPod with Cartoons old stuff next time I come see you. I think you'll like them :D
    Hahaha wait wait! I didn't mention any promises! :p

    Yeah, I'm sorry love. It's all work and no play if that's any comfort?

    Oh, it's actually turned into two gigs. But they're both for Cartoon, the guys I showed you before. They're nice guys, but somehow only seem to be able to get gigs in Melbourne >__< which makes things... interesting in terms of travel and luggage and stuff.

    Awww you poor thing! doesn't that place just suck the life out of your soul?

    Hahaha you don't seriously want a picture as a present? lol that's pretty sad.
    c'mon, what can I get you? I'm fairly shit at surprises, so best just tell me what you want. Sorry to kill the romance and anticipation of it all lol. But were you really expecting romance and sentimentality when you took me on? I mean, really... :p
    Doesn't your bro have an acoustic?
    I doubt he'd mind it being used for serenading purposes :p
    I know! the sheer blasphemy of it!
    You have no idea how sick of the fucking HSC I am lol
    3 more assignments due in 2 days, despite the fact that I've got a gig to roadie for, Julia's performance piece to learn and a bout of unavoidable baby's to sit on. >__<
    Hahahaha it's okay to be feeling a little unloved and in want of attention sweetheart.
    You hardly have to apologize.

    To be honest, it really did make me glow when I read it.
    It was kinda exactly what I needed.
    Haven't heard anyone talk like that to me in a while.
    so it did make me smile muchly.
    I just glanced at it but couldn't reply, cuz I was meant to b using bos to study, not chat.

    Well, you know. I do my best to show you what you mean to me =P
    But I'm a bit shit at this XD
    So yeah, you may have to learn to just believe it one of these days.

    But I'll try to be a little more contactable sweetheart :]

    Hahahaha don't get any ideas from my iPod.
    much of it is stuff I never listen to.

    Hahahahaha I'm trying, I'm trying, wish you could just WILL yourself into aging :p

    Hahahahaha the difference between you and the concert is that you last ^___^

    Yeah.... they were pretty upset, but it was well worth it :]

    And I REALLY am enjoying it. Even if I am feeling guilty.

    Thanks for the dates too btw :]
    I honestly don't know what's happening for my b-day...
    I'm not really one for plans. You may just get a call that says "come to hyde park right now" or something lol
    Whenabouts? I might be able to slip out.

    Well tuff cookies O__O wow... I mean today... can't... resist... puppy eyes... so kewt... DAMN YOU!!!
    Fine... >__< I won't emo...
    *shakes fist*

    No kisses for you though O__O!
    You're a real party pooper, you know that...?
    I wanted to kiss you, and have you go
    "O__O WTF!!!"wtf is ftw backwards...
    then tell me that you can no longer love me...

    now I miss out on that joy!
    I'm gonna go cry in the corner and cut myself! :[
    XD well... expert is going a little far... :p
    (ripped ^__^)

    uh huh... sure...

    NEFFAR!!!cakecakecake Inspriation.

    As do I.
    I miss you muchly.
    *rolls eyes* what silliness (I'm just jealous, because I am unversed in the way of the white writing >__ >
    Highlighting MSG... now that's something I've not done before.
    Without MSG, I am nothing.

    It wont disgust me. I'm a 4chan fag.
    nothing ever could any more.
    It's more just a minor inconvenience.
    which is more than enough to stop me doing most things in life.

    Certainly a desire.
    An availability... I believe so.
    Though I have to do something right after school, so it may have to be a little late.

    P.S. you're gonna hate me :p
    but it's a surprise why ^__^
    Oh, secret, secret!
    "after closely following you and your bf's conversation.. YOU TRICKED US!! RAWRRRR!!" did you tell them I was over the age of consent or something? lol you pedo ^__^

    Hahahaha if you say so.
    It's all quite true though, when I think about it.
    Brooke is spelled wrong,
    Brock never does any pokebreeding,
    Poke'breeding and midwifery are both respectively incredible and amazing words,
    and Vagina is the only thing stopping me from wanting to be a midwife. :p
    Who's the coolest person you know?

    Pffft... I am... obvious answer is obvious!

    Also: Alex is pretty alright... I mean, I put up with him don't I?

    Also also: Brooke seems preeeety kewl, though I barely know her... Her name has too many e's though... >__> Brooke... Brook... Bruk... Nah... Bruk is a guys name... I quite like Brook though... it's a little more Germanic... Though a tad too close to Brock... and Brock is a pokemon breeder... though we never see him do any actual poke'breeding... I suppose the concept is a little too adult for the audience... Poke'breeding is an epic word... you know what else is an epic word...? Midwifery... I'd consider being a midwife just to say that I engage in midwifery... but then I think... "Oh yeah... Vagina..." and I decide I'll stick with being a lazy-ass failure instead :]"

    Lol, i just realized how very drunk I was :p
    You and your cunning use of racism to capitalize!
    *spanks* o_O

    all I have to say to your foolery is:

    O__O What liez hath thou spread about innocent, sweet Jakeycakes?
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