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  • haha good luck with staying off bos :D, i did that last year, did 6 months straight August to Feb :), even tho i shouldnt be on atm >.< I guess i'll try and stay off too xD

    also have fun with your exams :)
    yeah, happens with youtube, usually for me, if I go on at like 5, i find myself getting off at 7 >.<

    For chem we're being tested on all of Production and 80% of of Acidic, pretty much everything before titration, only because other classes we're behind ours and our teacher set the paper so he couldnt include them, so basically chem for the last 3 weeks has been revision and a bludge xD

    And cant drop physics, its not too bad tbh, also I'll be slapped xD
    awww mann poor hash :S i didn't realise she wanted em urgently. ugh i forgot to tell her that i'd be out of teh house till late D=
    haha yea..turkey strutting. you know you do it too jimmy don't be a hypocrite ;)
    LOL a nice dungheap...right. stop trying to save yourself. i'm already affronted. it's too late
    *dramatically flings self on ground*
    yesyes i wanna be put down for easter show [oh crumbs and cheese powder, i believe ur already out of the house ><] bleh it's okay i'll sign up nxt wk if u don't sign me up THIS wk.

    lol oh man i feel so bad =( hash is going to hate me so much -sinks under ground-
    actually jimmy, nith appears to have disappeared off the face of the earth =/
    i would be really really really grateful if you could scan the chem stuff to me =/
    ily to infinity and beyond! BEAT THAT.
    thanks for offering to scan it, but i'm pretty sure nith would have got it.
    she's out now, but hopefully she has them. thanks anyway though =]
    and wow, we actually got a sheet that was useful in chem O_O?!.
    did i miss anything interesting in english?
    youtube for the win!
    we didnt do titration :D, but will do it next term. And i love chem, and hate physics :(
    oh yes, you're right, his birthday's the 27th.
    sorry for ditching you with both chandra AND nith D=
    i know how awful that's going to be xD
    ily moreee. =]
    If sleeping counts then thats all :D

    Monday sounds good xD, cant really study too much for maths anywho.

    On the other hand, im doing physics and its murdering me from the inside :cry:
    hahah my codenames are pure genius k? *struts around like a turkey*
    i AM NOT a dungheap. = . = and judging by hash's outrage, ...well i doubt she is [unless she's in denial..in which case... lol k i'd better not cont. that thought for fear of incurring mop's rage]
    LOL CAN WE LEAVE THE PAST BEHIND US PLZ?! bananas are going to haunt me forever at this rate x_____x

    no more compliments for you balloon head-nostril girl :D [yes the names get more and more creative don't they ^^]

    iRuler must be DELUSIONAL. PURE AWESOMENESS?!?!?! WHY OH WHY is he encouraging ur ego??
    ahhkay yups, I've seen the questions.
    mm, doesn't matter about the card, I'll just say happy birthday to him.
    on another note - sorry for ditching you today jimmy =/
    and i'm sorry that i'll be ditching you tomorrow too =/
    it must be karma, because i was actually considering bludging today - but then i woke up this morning with a red, dripping nose and groggy eyes and realised i didn't have any choice in the matter >_<;.
    i feel a teeny bit better now, but my parents are making me stay home tomorrow just in case. coz of exams and all. and i probably shouldn't go around infecting people =/
    what did i miss in chandra today? D:
    LOLLL DUDE you lucky one!!
    our's was crap D= but that's coz jtay broke our bulb thingy so we had to wait for like 10mins for miss ferny to replace it =.=
    and then not enuff heating time. But yea a banana smell !
    LOL what a hog he is!! hahahaha henry getting high! he's so stoned in bio =\ but he got animated when talking about incestual monarchy pedigree charts x___x'
    hahaha nice analogy. ... wait a minute...r u likening hash and me to ...DUNGHEAPS?!

    i'm calling you nostril girl from now on . just for kicks. >=)
    haha hello pure awesome person!

    it'll be the same for you regarding english :p (Unless you're studying it in the holidays!!)

    and we have a listening task from some extract form some random book and have 5 questions on it :(

    I believe you guys have never done the listening tasks xD
    and yes the time table is horrible :(

    I also believe that you only have 1 essay to do? and yes Module A sucks!
    creative is so much easier :D
    sounds wonderful.
    Mine start Monday, and English & Physics are on the same day :angry:
    I'm half prepared for english :cry: creative almost done, and still gotta do module A essay :angry:

    But I guess its alrite, last exam is Economics tuesday 30th, then like 3 weeks holidays and no english for 4 weeds :D

    emoticon of the day ---> :angry:

    loll i feel your pain [regarding distractions]
    i've still got to finish my 2u essay D=
    LOL dammit, here i was thinking NO MORE JIMMY . AND IT"LL ALL BE COZ OF ME!!!
    drats. you burst me bubble -sulks-

    ahaha yea word travels pretty quickly doesn't it, gella did it, kind ol' soul she is :p
    damn you caught me out. i was planning to strangle you whilst hugging ;)
    LOL chemnotes. that would explain it
    and yea jimmy, you know i do ;)
    LOL what a nerd =D
    you quote avogadro's number when you're mad. i'm definitely adding that to my 'what do you find hot' list ;)

    aww thanx for being so nice about my weirdmoods :D i'll hug you extrahard tmrw!!!
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