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  • oh okay thank you alot enoil!! If i get my atar or result i shall notify you!! Best of luck on uni marks!!!!!!!!!

    I think my cohort did well for everything especially for Ancient History and Economics. Im thinking 85+ realistically XD.. See you on december 14th!!
    Yeah, I have to think regularly what to do lol (omg + time is going so slowly when during the HSC i wished i had more time to study). So on the 14th should i just type the ATAR marks on the einstein and matrix calculator to get a good idea on my atar?? I am so worried about maths -.- sigh...

    Do your internal ranks save you well for your atar despite you don't do so well in the externals?? I am overseas so i am immune to getting lectures from my parents if i get a bad atar mark XDD
    I had a bit of a shock after hsc due to my last exam not going as well :(. But now im overseas and im having the time of my life XD. Still i am not use to the lifestyle yet hahaha. So happy because im stressed free now~~~

    It's great to hear your exams went well! Wish the best of results also!! I sitll put Macq uni law/comm, uws law/comm and sydney political and economical and science as my first 3 preferences! I would be really satisfied as long as i get into law at uws and probably will stay there and do well or transfer.

    On december 14 is the hsc marks right not the ATAR>

    Hey enoil! Long time no chat~ My hsc went alright !! Although maths and eco was a bit of shock. I'd be lucky for 85+ XD.. life after hsc sucks -.-... well for me atleast..

    Im planning to go UWS LAW (91) with 10 bonus points if i get band 5 in business/economics . I don't think i can make MACQ law T.T..

    How's life for you? Uni exams went smooth?
    quantity is a-ok

    aww wut only band 5?

    the problem is, they only asked for 3 significant events
    and thats so subjective
    so u cant span his whole life

    omgawd :'(

    i think i argued it quite well though
    idk man, idk

    but yeah, i kinda regretted going for that approach

    but isnt it just as valid?
    it asked for 3 significant events
    i did differently 2 every1

    i did:

    1. His childhood was a significant event in his life that formed his personality as an indifferent technocrat

    2. His university whatevs - teachings of oswald spengler and the tutelage of heinrich tessenow coupled with the economic failings of weimar which disillusioned himself with the current regime

    3. Hitler's speech and rally at his institiution - enraptured by the oratory skills of hitler and his promise to revive germany... initiated his redirection of career as he joined the nskk

    these 3 events were interlinked and culminated into his interaction with the nazi party

    most people spoke about his time as minister for armaments and archictectural contributions

    but do u think my 3 events are valid enough?
    they are different to about 90% of the state (i reckon) - would this work in my favour?
    ah ok.

    i found the Failure of the weimar difficult... if you've seen the question...

    Source = Confidentish
    Germany = (TOV) = failure of democracy = 10 pages... = i thought it was well written.. but then again i feel i fucked it
    Speer = (a) - 4, (b) - 5
    Conflict in Europe = (LON) = 8 pages... so worried... :/ haha

    sorry to annoy you bro..
    a 80 atar means lot.. :/
    Oh okkk, awesome. I think it's pretty possible... but we'll see :p thanksss man! :D and ur advice helped me too! :)
    Lol, yeah true. Hope I did them well though... what would the cut-off for band 6 be?
    I dont do germany - i do south africa - and i didnt take the paper home with me, they dont let us :/ lol

    for th epersonality - a) describe in detail THREE major events in the life of your personality
    b) Assess the contribution of your studied personality
    Hey mate!

    Did modern history today! and I predicted both questions for conflict in europe right! D'day and th eleague of nations!! haha.
    wow I can't believe you actually made up cases in legal studies.. did you find out what your raw marks were? did you make them up in the trial? if so, what did you get for your trials?
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