I'm sure

And yes I'm serious, I was saying this in p00n yesterday and LHS (who is a mod now!

) was telling us that she has been to school in 44 degree heat. There weren't many students at school today, well at least in our cohort. All because of the weather. And some students had an exam in the last period so they just came to school at lunch because they spent the whole day studying (serious).
And no, I didn't jig school, I'm a good boy XD And I swear I wore my uniform perfectly to and from school

We were allowed to take off our ties and undo our top button though (as long as we fix it up before we leave the school) but it was still hot anyway XD
Is this strange for you? Didn't any students from your school stay home? If so, I'm impressed

And I see you've made a new friend, yay!

His name reminds me of eshay lad

You've had 2 friends for too long, you need to add more people XD
-Must Rank 1st in EVERYTHING - AND -Must Rank 1st in life-