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  • Yeah… I don't think you can say how someone would go on the interview unless you've done it yourself.
    And it's very competitive. I have found out since I got in that in a bunch of the sections I got full marks and only fucked up 1 or 2. And I'm only bonded.

    She's not on the fb page and I haven't met her. :/
    "My friends name is blerp. Etc."
    Bitch. I dunno her.
    I know everyone too.
    Is she white?
    Is she interview-retarded?
    Is she dead?
    Does she have fb?
    HI there may you please change my current subjects selections as I dropped physics early this year. Now my subject selections are
    1. Adv Eng
    2. Legal Studies
    3. Economics
    4. 3u Maths
    5. 4u Maths
    enoilgram would you pls be able to quickly read my mini modern essay before it's due? :)
    I suppose, I was just reading what you said in the "become moderator" thing haha, about being volunteers etc. I am thinking of applying for moderator in the science forums, but yea idk cos im spending these last few days of holiday chilling so I feel I have a good amount of frree time but I know when school resumes ill be all out into it so perhaps I might not have enough time.
    brent12 said absolutezero will contact me shortly. he said this yesterday. Absolutezero hasnt contacted me up until today haha, so I get the feeling they might be trolling me. Hope not. Cos I would appreciate an answer -_-
    noilgam plz man noone is answering my thread further in the "contact mod" section, I want to know if I can have a link to my personal site in my sig? like some peeps have tumblr apparently.
    Hi enoilgam, I was just wondering, how exactly am I supposed to address a dean of a university in an email?
    Hey enoilgam! Thanks for your advice on the forums especially the Modern History Guide. Even though it's basic, it has set up the foundation of how to learn the subject from the very start and thus allowed me achieve a 93 exam mark for the Modern History hsc this year. Thanks and Merry Christmas! :)
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