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  • Hi there, I would really appeciate your advice on what steps to take to set up / write a great thesis statement from the question. I know my content very well, know how to write with evidence etc...but stumble with the 'set-up' thesis.
    Doing essay tomorrow on Significant Person for HSC exam - and find it hard to write a thesis to set it up as 'judgement' statement against the question. Can you give a few hints / steps to converting the question to do this?
    Hey! So i was scrolling through one of the modern history threads and i noticed one of your posts on the question 'Evaluate Hitler’s role in the Nazi state between 1933 and 1939'. I know it's been a long time since you posted that but i was wondering if you could remember more detail of the body paragraphs, i am honestly so stuck on what to write.
    Thank you. :))
    Hey mate!

    I don't really go further than TM Lewin :haha: but I've heard great things about the quality of Montagio (website: http://www.montagio.com.au/) who do personal tailoring only at reasonably affordable prices and InStitchu (website: https://www.institchu.com/) who have a good collection of suits and do reasonably priced tailoring too. There's not much over $700 from either which is a bonus in my books.
    Oooh, no you totally misunderstood me. I'm really into tall guys and it's generally accepted that for people's own personal safety they should keep information like that to themselves around me haha
    No, I'm a little older than her, but she's in the same category as my best friends sister at Eisteddfods (my friend's sister isn't very good though bless) and I saw her interviewed in art shine a month or so ago :)
    I hate the totalitarian question, I find it extremely difficult. I would love it to be the political, economic and social issues question but that was the Catholic Trial and the Independent Trial question - can they make it the HSC question still? Do you have an advice, seeing that modern is on tuesday, on how to remember so much information and be prepared to answer any question??? I definetly will let you know my results - fingers crossed they are results I will be proud of !
    Thats fine! I am so greatful for your help because my marks have gone up by around 20% ! Can I ask what your predictions for Germany and Conflict in Indochina are this year?
    Well I did quite well in my trials so I'm feeling reasonably confident in my essay writing ability but our teacher hasn't really taught us much about Nazism (anything past Weimar) and Conflict in Indochina is also very new to me so I am kind of nervous for that
    Quick question - if the personality question asks for THREE events in Albert Speer's life. Which three should I choose:
    Early Work for Nazis? First Architect of the Reich? Germania? Armaments and Munitions?
    Hey enoilgram,

    Just wondering what are your predicitions for the modern history 2014 hsc exam? Specifically for Germany, Albert Speer and Conflict in Europe. Im asking because I remember seeing you predict a 2013 germany question in a thread this time last year (the great depression one).

    Also thanks for answering my pms throughout the year on help for modern! Your replies have been very helpful!
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