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  • Haha, no, I'm just psychologically linked with American culture ... I find it intriguing. :).

    Yeah, I heard about Deathnote, and Bleach, I think it was ... one of my school friends is really into anime, and she wanted me to watch some episodes ... I watched 'Deathnote' on YouTube, and it's pretty interesting, but I don't think I could ever get obsessed with it. (By the by, I'm half-Asian, but I've never actually been interested in anime ... LoL, no offence taken). :D

    So, where around in New South Wales are you from? (Me, I'm from Sydney, my school's in the Eastern suburbs). :p

    Well, I love Drama and English ... they're my two favorite subjects, and I plan to be an elementary school teacher ... :)
    I haven't any hobbies, either, other than to read Harry Potter and just kind of chill ... haha, can I ask, what is about anime that intrigues these fellow Bored of Studies followers? :)

    Yes, I'm having an internal party thanks to 'no more exams' ... catching up with my 'Harry Potter' books, and watching 'Buffy' in my spare time. :p

    My day was great (yesterday), and today I'm just chilling in the computer room ...

    So, care to give me three cool facts about yourself? (e.g. subjects, hobbies, etc) :)

    Thanks for accepting the add; I'm new to Bored of Studies, so you know, I'm just being cool by adding random people ... :) How was your day?
    Hey thereee :)

    Yes, the ones I listed are quite pop-ish. I don't know a lot of JRock bands, but I love lots of Jpop.

    I love those anime's! Death Note being my favourite.
    The only Jrock that I listen to nowadays is "Alice Nine" and "Alumina"

    I have played:
    - Dota (Warcraft III)
    - Perfect World
    - Flyff

    I found that I could not stick to any particular mmorpg for more than a month.
    Don't really play any games these days, because School Cert. ruined my gaming life.
    I'm still kind of hooked on Restaurant City on fB though, lol xD

    If you have any good MMO's, TELL ME! ;D

    Have you gotten up to the ESPADA ark in Bleach yet?
    I have fallen in love with Ikimono Gakari :)

    I only really listen to Ikimono Gakari, UVERworld and BigBang.

    Haha, I'm glad you asked!
    What anime's do you watch? Which was your first?
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