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  • :O after closely following you and your bf's conversation.. YOU TRICKED US!! RAWRRRR!!and yes i realise he has a name, but to me he will always be "your bf" :pand yeh, thats right, little letters in whiteeee! o_O
    :O he cheats!
    I'll report you!
    I feel so offended by your imposingly large letters!

    Pffft... still another billion or so to go. *sigh*
    Hahahaha I'm proud to say,I've only ever turned up to one exam stoned :]
    *grows a halo, and stands, hugging himself and looking innocent*

    :D Trust me, the feeling is mutual.
    and I only make fun of you because you make it so easy ^__^

    Your pokemon cards bring all the underage boys to the yard and their decks are better than yours, damn right, they're better than yours they would trade you, but they'd have to charge. :p
    My girl!!! My girll!!! Dont lie to me!!! Tell me where did you sleep last night!!!!???!?!?!?
    Well that's unexciting, we all know how possessive you are :p
    ^__^ and yes, you are an idiot :p

    Yeah, the tastelessness wasn't what surprised me, it was slightly malty, but hey.
    I was surprised that the burn didn't blow my head off XD

    My phone is still somewhere ^__^
    O_O deleted a comment...?

    :[ That's sad to hear.
    Cuddles on Friday!
    promise to make it all better :]

    :p would very much like to.
    That night was a first for me.
    Everclear: surprisingly drinkable...
    I mean... you can't take big gulps,
    but I was surprised I could even force it down straight.
    XD I was studying :p
    I study in an interesting way that involves copious amounts of illicit substances and formspring :p
    XD ONLY 21 :p

    some of them were meant to be....
    it made SLIGHTLY more sense in order... I don't know why, but they came out in a weird order.

    Ummmm I only did em like a few hours ago.
    I'm still a tad tipsy lol
    :p I wasn't bored.
    I was actually having a good time. :D
    Just very, very drunk...

    O_O You're mad... why would you even do that...?
    there were like a million of them!
    *hugs* I walked home through it.
    I feel for you :[

    Hope you're feeling okay.

    2 out of fourty billion done so far.
    How long does that buy me? :p
    >__< You're a crazy pedophile...

    O_O hump day...?

    Oh, you know.
    Threats of expulsion,
    Warning letters,
    the usual.
    And you are deluded :D
    And NOT buying me more Vinyl! XD
    I love the DK album!
    but I thought you were trying NOT to be my sugar daddy! :p
    Aw final week of semester, exams next week, indian and beers for dinner tonight, it's been raining so slidey and I are going out to some fields to look for wild mushrooms tomorrow allegedly

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