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    i cant remember any from that topic?

    should i just write essays with notes? then without :) ?
    cheers lad! cheers cheers...

    and what would a raw mark for modern be needed for a band 5. i got 82 in CSSA trial. but yeh.

    <3 ily bro. ilyilyilyilyily
    If you get 40% raw in the exam that would maybe align to a 65 maybe (really not too sure). In that case, you would need an internal mark of 95 to get 80.
    well lets just say I manage to merely achieve 40% for the exam.... how badly would that affect my chances of getting a band 4? and I'd say that probably the top 20 students in my cohort actually perform alright... the rest.. not so much. So I'm really worried! I wanted to achieve a band 5 for math so bad.. biut guess not anymore!... Also, even if my internal raw is 80% and my ranks 16/60 ... because its gen math, wouldnt that get aligned down?
    Hey :) sorry to bother you, but I was just curious.. um today i sat my gen math exam and I'm pretty sure I failed it (mymind went blank), though my inernal rank is 16/60 .. with an average of exactly 80%... what if I really did fail, what band do you think I'll be getting?
    my school rank is between 180-200.

    Thank you!, I'm kinda paranoid about this stuff!
    Hey bro, question...

    if i go averagly in the externals. and sit with what i have in my sig..
    ill get less than 80 hey.
    oh okay thanks

    and do you think i'll get 76+

    subject rank exam result CSSA TRIALS (predicted hsc exam mark- worst case scenario)
    Chemistry 3/18................ 70/100 (50-70/100)
    advanced maths 2/45....... 98/120 (85-110/120)
    advanced english 21/69.... 65/105 (prolly around 45-60/105 in the hsc based on my performance )
    SOR:2unit 5/41............... 77/100 (60-80/100)
    Physics 1/20................... 70/100 (50-70/100)
    school rank:350-400
    oh okay thanks.. and with the gap, would the gap be larger or smaller during moderation?
    and another thing
    for chem, I'm coming 3rd
    first person internal marks (sent by school, not moderated)-> 94
    2nd person- 92
    and I am 86
    fourth has 64, so there is a big gap between top 3 and rest of the class.
    say if the highest external mark is 90... that means my moderated internal mark will be 82? so that the gap is maintained right?
    and I wont be affected by the class average if the rest of the class does badly because they will count the top 3 as an outlier. is that right?

    I'm coming second by less than a percent in maths. assessment mark of around 79 and the first person is 80.
    If the first person stuffs up externals and gets around 80% but I get 92%, that means that He will get 92% for internal and I will get 91% to maintain that gap right? so overall I will get a hsc mark of 91.5-> rounds up to 92 and the first person internally will get 86%. is that right?
    omg i can't wait for uni XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Wait you're doing commerce/law???

    the pressure is that my parents are expecting so high that it's inevitable they would find out. They already wrote the date down when the ATAR comes out -.- fml. Im so worried T.T.....

    but it's good because you got a fabulous result for the HSC!!! Your parents should be extremely proud of you! And you got into law!!!
    You know what adds more pressure on me. Im going to be overseas T.T.TTTTTT and i have to get my results, luckily my parents wont be with me :))).

    But yeah im ready!!! Eco->Maths->Ancient History to go!!!!!!!!

    That's good how you're not stressing!!!!!! Argg. What topics are you doing for law atm??
    That's good. I hope you do well for uni!! Don't stress!!!

    Yes i believe having confidence and less-stress ill be able to achieve higher!!!!!!!

    you know how you told me how the 3 weeks go past so quickly -.- i agree.

    However last week was pain for me. I had 3-4 hrs of sleep a day and i had too much stress sigh. I lost weight, was feeling bad after paper 1. But i redeemed myself from paper 2
    Hey man how's uni and etc??

    HSC is pretty good XD. I think i aced business and paper 2, not so good on paper 1.

    I think ill end up with band 5 for english and band 5-6 for business!!!!! XDDDD
    I see that a few people are estimating their ranks, would you mind doing mine please?
    Rank - Trial Mark
    Chemistry 12/41 73/100
    Legal Studies 10/47 71/100
    Economics 14/29 55/100
    2U Maths 15/67 100/120
    Ext Maths 26/41 64/84 (but my trial rank was 18th)
    Adv English 50/56 70/105 (my trial rank was 28th and for an assessment after it was 18th but these didnt alter my rank that much..)

    also my schools in the low 100's if that affects it? by low 100 i mean 100-140
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