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  1. hayabusaboston

    Critique my physique

    Ive maintained 89-91kg, 190cm and 12 percent bodyfat since December 2013 XD Dont care about being huge anymore, im just aesthetic atm I feel, and want to keep it that way. I do zero exercise, simply eat 12,000 kilojoules a day and it appears to perfectly maintain what I have.
  2. hayabusaboston

    Brussel's Airport has had bomb blasts

    Ikr far out. How DARE those right wing opportunists use this as excuse for their political gain, the racist, bigoted motherfucks. Pff.
  3. hayabusaboston

    US Presdential Election 2016

    Very happy for Trump. I think its absolutely necessary that he becomes President and can only wait with eager constitution for what revolution he shall bring.
  4. hayabusaboston

    US Presdential Election 2016

    Sorry but fvck everyone who disagrees on the fact that Trump is your new president, get used to it lil bitches. YEA! TRUMP2k16!
  5. hayabusaboston

    What is your iq?

    Fresh BoS'ers 'ave a look at dis thread if interested.
  6. hayabusaboston

    FREE 15/15 CREATIVE SAMPLES+FEEDBACK TO BOOST YOU! haya's free service is back :P

    The way it goes 1. Email me at jozifootball@yahoo.com.au with your story and what kind of changes/improvements you are seeking to make 2. I send you samples from previous 15/15 stories ive written+possibly modify some of your story to clearly depict what kind of writing style gets you big...
  7. hayabusaboston

    Shootings and Explosions in Paris

    What I struggle to understand is how muslims and left wing can label right wing and critical thinkers as "racists and bigots" when we are simply laying down the facts and statistics and why x is a problem and here is list y of possible solutions. What the fuck is racist/bigoted about that? Its...
  8. hayabusaboston

    Shootings and Explosions in Paris

    So I think its kinda like this maybe. Who knows. Matrix. Anyone in it can turn into agent at any time, by "forcible coercion" shall we say of the Agent program. Radicalism. Anyone in any religion can turn radical at any time. Islamic radicalism in particular has demonstrated itself to be of...
  9. hayabusaboston

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    by continuously presenting a shifting stream of events all of which are out of the ordinary I guess. Eg guy wakes up on ordinary day, goes through regular routine where everything is abnormal, is shocked, goes around checking what is going on, cannot understand why environment so different, then...
  10. hayabusaboston

    Section 1 - Stimulus

    sORRY i TAke that back, some HSC markers are retards and so you literally need to do that sometimes I feel, so they dont say UR NOT CLEAR ENOUGH. soz lol
  11. hayabusaboston

    Section 1 - Stimulus

    You are supposed to show stimuli in abstract but clear ways. Literally writing "I smacked my forehead. Omg" is going to get you lowest marks lol, you have to put much more depth into it.
  12. hayabusaboston

    What is your iq?

    Oh right soz will delete some
  13. hayabusaboston

    What is your iq?

    Yep. How come? Back in yr 12 when I was obsessed with IQ I joined every society that would accept me lol.
  14. hayabusaboston

    What is your iq?

    Im actually concerned my IQ has gone down past few months since havent been doing THAT much intellectual stuff+ I have some sort of paranoia of hypoxia at night leading to drop in IQ lol.
  15. hayabusaboston

    What is your iq?

    Nothing is accurate online bar the high range tests such as Titan and Mega, and four others called CFNSE, JCTI, Mensa Testet Sverige, and IQ test DK. Combining those four tests can give you the most accurate score you're going to get for free.
  16. hayabusaboston

    The Bachelorette 2015

    the bachelorette is a thing? im signing up right now.
  17. hayabusaboston

    High school talk

    3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307806286208 thats all I know lol