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  1. [Blank]

    Literally 10 minutes later he came back bro 💀

    Literally 10 minutes later he came back bro 💀
  2. [Blank]

    (After all, we don’t want another Hitler or a literal Antichrist on our hands). Drama is always...

    (After all, we don’t want another Hitler or a literal Antichrist on our hands). Drama is always fun so conflict is always inevitable even among the Greats, but I intend to remain true to my true self which is inspired by heroes instead of villians, however, only time will tell if I ever change...
  3. [Blank]

    However, they would first have to have the awareness that the greatest good karmically will...

    However, they would first have to have the awareness that the greatest good karmically will always beat the greatest evil, so strategically speaking, unless if they want to become a villain due to inspiration of an ‘unholy’ spirit, majority will remain to be good to keep the others in line, like...
  4. [Blank]

    Those who are legendary Greats that are beyond good and evil would reside there.

    Those who are legendary Greats that are beyond good and evil would reside there.
  5. [Blank]

    I’m nearing the end of this phase of finding my own genuine aim/purpose in life, but I assure...

    I’m nearing the end of this phase of finding my own genuine aim/purpose in life, but I assure you that aim will not be world domination because I seek a group of others who have reached their ideal self to be equals with and explore a multitude of shared passions together above the world itself...
  6. [Blank]

    I wish to overcome all three, but before that, I want an aim for myself, and in doing so have...

    I wish to overcome all three, but before that, I want an aim for myself, and in doing so have been consistently accomplishing many goals towards decoding the deepest layers of human nature through vigorous philosophy and meditation.
  7. [Blank]

    The aim for world domination isn’t there anymore, but I do seek the freedom towards potentially...

    The aim for world domination isn’t there anymore, but I do seek the freedom towards potentially an unlimited number of personal aims for myself and others included. I’ve noticed that there are 3 major forces that can put an end to individual freedom for us in the present and future, and that’s...
  8. [Blank]

    Bro you came back the exact same day AND TIME that I coincidently came back. That’s fate right...

    Bro you came back the exact same day AND TIME that I coincidently came back. That’s fate right there.
  9. [Blank]

    There are many things I am interested in and passionate about. This is my greatest...

    There are many things I am interested in and passionate about. This is my greatest curse/distraction. Strategically, I know exactly which one I should focus on undeniably as my destiny at present, but I also know that if I was skilled enough with my own attention, I would be able to shift my...
  10. [Blank]

    Banned lol

    Banned lol
  11. [Blank]

    Nah, just the webtoon.

    Nah, just the webtoon.
  12. [Blank]

    Not in many years.

    Not in many years.
  13. [Blank]

    It really is a great Manhwa. I should probably reread it a 7th time one day.

    It really is a great Manhwa. I should probably reread it a 7th time one day.
  14. [Blank]

    This is very sweet. Thank you. I have unfortunately vented many times on this forum for the...

    This is very sweet. Thank you. I have unfortunately vented many times on this forum for the purpose of exploring my desires, but that’s because I was just confused. There is nothing to be concerned about anymore, but I do appreciate the words of support.
  15. [Blank]

    Proof that anyone can do anything literally right now.

    Well, instead of poetic, it’s more so romantic.
  16. [Blank]

    Proof that anyone can do anything literally right now.

    I have many poetic things about destiny I want to say, but the character Kafka doesn’t put it any better than she does here:
  17. [Blank]

    See y‘all around✌️ I hope you all do well in your lives. I’ll be on discord occasionally too for...

    See y‘all around✌️ I hope you all do well in your lives. I’ll be on discord occasionally too for those who it is appropriate to contact with directly. Don’t be afraid to ask for my details.
  18. [Blank]

    So, I am here to just say my words of peace to those who are still interested in knowing where...

    So, I am here to just say my words of peace to those who are still interested in knowing where I’m at with my life currently, and I give out an invitation to those who want to continue to see what I’m up to to watch me go on adventures on my YouTube channel.
  19. [Blank]

    However, even though when I get on this forum page to make a post to address those who I have...

    However, even though when I get on this forum page to make a post to address those who I have already become aquatinted with who are also adults too, this isn’t a place where adults should be.
  20. [Blank]

    Update: I finally feel like an adult now, but one of those badass ones that when I was a...

    Update: I finally feel like an adult now, but one of those badass ones that when I was a teenager felt to be maturely powerful.