Re: scientific theory/model that has been modified or rejected as a result of evidenc
Another good example is the evolving models of the atom.
democritus, dalton, thomson, rutherford scattering, bohr, schrodinger/heisenberg
^jeez you two are so funny on here lol
yeah i don't think the tail will affect you.
How's the maths prep going? If you aren't experiencing a meteoric rise, then consider dropping.
lol i think you're already on 99.7+
I think ~60 people got 90+/105 and if that were true 60 people would get a final 95 hsc mark.
Last year's cohort were epic at english and still only managed 35. We are definitely sub-last year's level, maybe around ~25-30.
btw, they weren't really "external markers", in that they were closely associated to the school and had to consider things like we rushed mod C etc
So I doubt it was marked to HSC standard.
I'm hoping for 95/105 although i got 98/105