Has anyone done this prac:
Plan choose equipment for....etc... to gather data and use available evidence to compare measurements of current and voltage in series and parallel circuits in computer simulations or interactive equipment. Specifically this will require you to determine the...
Ohh does anyone know that other question about "How many ways can a mixed doubles tennis match be played with 6 married couples, so that no husband and wife play in the same match?"
ah LOL well its preetty mixed here, you really just gotta see which factorisation methods are possible. Its a bit tedious, but u gotta look at everything until you find something that applies.
Scanner not working sorry. Basically
Right angled triangle ABC, A is north pointing, B is right angle, C is west pointing. Now extend AB to a point D. then Reflect AC on the line AB, and extend it to a point E, due east of D. Join D with E. Now you have two similar triangles. Also, a line...
Yes im in yr 10, I just sit in on extra classes with yr 12's LOL. They got a maths assignment thing with 40 something questions, and teacher changed a few of them and gave an altered version for me to do.
Ya man, when i grow up im going to TAKE CHARGE of the fuckin education system and make it EQUAL for everyone, where EVERYONE gets the marks they worked for, whether state-topping or shitty. Its time to change the retarded systems that are in place.