for electron one i used f=qvbsin0. and subed in a value for B. wont get al marks but wil get part marks. didnt even think of doing a projectile equation. edit jus realised i had to find v in the parallel plates. would of had to use projectile equation. fuck
number 1 is c. if u forgot the speed changes caus of the slingshot affect, the gravity and rotational motion of the earth propels the object changing its speed, or decreasing its speed.
what if you said the first stage is associative, and outlined cognitive, 2nd stage is cognitive, and outlined the associative stage wuld u lose marks for naming them wrong?
i still believe its consumer. jewlerry is not a niche market. 15-20 year olds are consumers. the amount of 15-20 yr olds in aus is not exactly "small and specialised"