Can i please get an ATAR Estimate before HSC please!!!
Adv English = 70% =12/24
Physics = 85% = 1/32
Business = 90% = 2/38
Legal = 74% = 2/20
Gen Maths = 72 = 4/90
Ancient = 62% = 4/20
My School marks are bad but ranking are good!! my marks are mostyl 70 n 80s excl Legal which is in 90! PLus my friend was 4 ina ll subjects last year n only managed an atar of 82!
Thanks for that! and what if my mark is bad but rank is good. eg- general maths 73 but 5th!! also will uni take my legal score into consideration if im off the required atar. As it is my best subject averaging 94%
My mark is exactly 3 marks behind the top ranker,my English cohort are all closely ranked.
Woah! im hoping in the 90's but a 96 would be a dream as i want to do Law