^ an abundance of Katherine's was a very interesting read.
I think once something goes mainstream it has a generally off putting effect on the original audience. It's great for sales though.
(that's what a heated warmer is for - I could make burgers in less than 10 secs if I was in the zone - get a burger box out in less than a min w00t)
Should I ditch combined law to do single commerce? Please help me in my major...
You are not jeopardising your future just because you don't study law.
My parents didn't want me to do law, based on your point, the manipulation associated with it.
As you mentioned you can do a JD as a post...
Every once and while the thought of applying at a big 4 firm appears in my mind but I have to toss up the prospect of being on a contract compared to my permanent position at this smaller firm.
I can wear chunky shoes, or shoes with a REALLY small heel but other than that, I really prefer not wearing stiletto type shoes.
Even if I were to go clubbing, boots it is. I always wear boots (or converse).
I can't walk in heels to save my life... I wore heels to my Christmas work function and ended up falling over 4 times walking to the venue. I ended up with cuts and bruises all over my legs.
Not very womanly :lol:
Yeah, most girls wouldn't want to go out with someone SIGNIFICANTLY shorter. It does look rather weird.
I like the thought of people being able to protect me, even though I could probably protect myself (lol)
You must be really tall then :lol: