we don't regulate them. We ban them flat out and force people to get them from drug dealers.
I don't even like smoking marajuana but can see that it should be regulated similar to tobacco and alcohol. Like tobacco in that it has warning against smoking etc., like alcohol in that you shouldnt...
Who are you to say that poor people are abusing the welfare system? Fucking capitalist scum. Anyway, we would take and redistribute everyone's food money evenly.
physical harm is such a shit reason. Should we also ban all martial arts with sparring/competition and all sports where people may hurt themselves? (read: most of them).
Being fat is a negative influence because it often leads to depression and self-esteem issues and also increased healthcare costs. You say "ciggies and booze is okay because its regulated." so why don't we regulate MDMA and marajuana?
But it is for the good of society that everyone is healthy.
We accept other curtailings of freedom for societies benefit, this is the logical next step.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. And drugs are bad, mmkay?
nah the country is shit, even byron bay was tedious and by then end of a week I longed for sydney. house in city + property in country is the best way.
Edit: And obviously they used landcruisers, wouldn't you?