So you would end up with geometric series = num_minutes_in_a_year, where n= num_times_finger_snapped. There is no way to solve this numerically so you will need to use inspection
You will go anticlockwise from the numerator to the denominator when you have positive angle. When you have an negative angle you will go clockwise from the numerator from the denominator.
In this particular case I don't think it will matter. As if you go anticlockwise from the numerator to the...
So finding the locus is based on the exterior angles of a triangle (Read some MM2 textbook).
If memory serves well straight line joining the dots is the 180 degrees.
So you have
arg([z-i]/[z-1]) = 180
So the first step will be figure out the meaning of the technical terms, e.g. displacement, velocity.
It looks like might bit hard to determine appropriate distance scale. So maybe you could try 1cm = 1m in the image or something.
We know that:
sin x = cos(pi/2 - x) #Note: This is one of the complementary angle there are 5 other identities(Use wikipedia if need be). The co in cosine means complementary. Similarly co has the same meaning with cot...
Think of the question in the context in binomial theorem.
There are 8 (2*2*2) possible scenarios of which 4 of those scenarios are.
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