they were all awful.. absolute waste of time.. like the last few books of harry potter
but i have to say, i hate shakespeare the most... can't understand anything >.< damn school
wow... why are some people having exams so early? week 4?? surely can't finish syllabus that fast.. O.o
mine are like marshmallows :)
zero preparation so far
haha well personally I've found tutoring useful.. although it does really depend where you go (yes, North Shore is a craphouse)
It really depends on the person... quite a few people who are at the top in my school don't take any tutoring.. it just really depends on motivation cuz I'm pretty...
of course :D who needs quality nowadays
what... and i suppose you can tell where someone bought an item of clothing at a glance? getting it cheap doesn't mean buying the first thing you see regardless of style dumbass
well public is public whether selective or not
and if you're not getting 100s then you know you're not working hard enough whether your school marks easily or not :)
they fail
i've bought an armload of chips and chocolates at one of those check outs... my friend who works as a check out chick at coles doesn't even know they exist