Umm any help and i will be greatfull!!!
( also can i get full working out cuz im one of those kids who needs it =-= sorry)
1.The curve y=ax^3+bx passes through the point (1,7). The tangent at this point is parallel to the line y=2x-6
Find the values of a and b
2.Show that y= -sqr(36-x^2)...
LOOOOOOOL, thanks i take that as a compliment :)
well i think of it at least i can get high in my other subjects ( to pull up my results from maths which i will deff fail =-=)
So holidays are ending today and tomorow ( cristian vs public) , and I though idjust make this post .
So what studies have you done over this holidays ?
Ill start...
getting ready for English comparative study Emma/clueless ( a waste cuz the teacher stupidly changed her mind) : 2 days ...
so my bro wants to do buis, and i told him to do 2u to get a better atar or dont do gen (cuz its not worth it), and he said gneral maths is a prereq for buis corses.
i know it may be for eco courses but others i doupted it.
does anyone know