Re: Memorise, understand, practice
sweet and yeah i hope it is a different league to year 11, better start making notes, cant study in holidays always going out with family and that.
Re: Memorise, understand, practice
i know this is study discussion, but for some1 like me who didnt study prelims and didnt do so well in exams got less than 40% in some subs is there still hope? being realistic and wanting good answers thanks.
Re: study time
man im so scared i failed most of my subjects last year =/ but did well in assignments over 80% =] exams piss me off =/ and i hardly study but now its all different been studying 1-2 hours a day, dont need to do the 3 hours + its not how many hours u do its how effective it is ;)
i really need to get moving with studying so next week monday 5th of january i should be studying at least 1-2 hours and then more when schools back, i wish its possible for me to reach my goal of 80 uai since im not as "highly intelligent" like all of you here =] and i do pretty hard subs which...
Re: would like advice and help
thank you very much with the help :D appreciate it, i feel like i can do it =] got a whole year left to study everyday :D:D
Re: would like advice and help
ok thanks, but i would like some opinions is it enough time to change my test result and probably get a uai of 80 is that possible?
would like advice and help
hello BOS people im havign abit of a travel
i do these following subjects
Standard english
general maths
engineering studies
Studies of religion
i would like effective ways on studying, because during the preliminary course i didnt study and all...