if you cant slap very well, pretty much burn all your hopes of playing Flea.
if you cant slap very well check out a guy called Billy Sheehan, he doesn't slap that much.
MUSIC 1 - 8
economics - 8
mathematics - 14
mod. hist. - 7
yet at my school there is 2 classes of CAFS - 20each.
and 2 classes of PD - 20 each.
NO WONDER MY SCHOOL IS RANKED 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
i bludged. not 1 minute of study all year.
results. mod. hist. - 89% [dads a mod. hist. teacher]
geography - 54% HAHAHAHA that proves i bludged my arse off in geo!
economics - 81%
adv. maths - 55% i wish i learnt co-ordinate geometry
adv. english - 81%
music 1 - 89% DAM THEORY
id rather not get the essay Q ahead of time, now i have to do a plan just like everyone else will be doing. bcoz the yearly prelim exams are IN school all of my cohorts have been given the Q. so there's no advantage to anyone. of course if it was a statewide test it'd be a different matter, even...
ok, my teacher is the head teacher of the english department at my school, so she set the exam (compiled it herself) but from past experience she simply buys a test or copy/pastes old exams together. anyway, here's the question...
"discuss the ways in which the concept of belonging...
take a year off, you don't need to go straight into a uni course. so have a year off, travel the world, live overseas. then come back and pickup a uni course if you're are interested.
0hrs study and just got a 96% in the maths assessment on series/sequences and real functions, class average was 54%. its good being naturally smart. who's with me?
i can't help but notice your signature
"Advanced English
Extension English 1
Extension English 2
Modern History
Ancient History
Extension History"
my dad would love you, he's an english/history teacher.