its econ 1203 - BES/Statistics/Something
a lot of probability/numbers/interpreting graphs etc
and i love reporting goodwin for a ban 10 minutes after he signs up ahhhahhhahhhh
once i had a chick go to me "is my arse big?" and i was like naah i havent looked at it yet and she's like "woahhh really?" (thinks im at all not perverted)
i actually kept staring at her juggs when she looked away lol
lol happy easter, nah most of them just get sick of seeing so many asians with commerce literally being china town..
When i speak everyone listens :'D. Although tbh i dont speak that much in real life, i choose my moments but im more of a guy who likes to sit back and listen ahha.
but.. in our...
lol there are quite a few interest groups but none of them 'interest' me :L ..
it's not lonely as there are 3 guys from high school doing my course (with same arranged timetable lol) and a few others i see on a regular basis.. so its not too bad
but if ur unlucky it might be a little hard to...
Aww thats okay as long as ur not close to the bottom of ur class!!.. wait SDD nah just kidding xD
You'll be okay, sounds like most of ur ranks are top 10~ish or higher
How's uni? Well i don't want to be there!! From top of the crop at high school to the bottom of the stinking ocean at uni :'(...
bby u can still integrate my e-log any time ;]
so hows high school and howd u go in ur half yearlies? assuming u just had urs lol, i cant seem to track time away from school..
oh lol i got 55% ._.
I pray to god my tutor was a harsh marker and just that.. coz i really don't think i did that bad especially when a dud mate of mine got 3 marks within me -.-
life goes on but i hate uni