yeah, i guess so.
how much has everyone done of it?
we've done complex numbers, polys, curve sketchin and halfway thru integration.
just wondering if we're on par or behind or what.
yeah we only have 2 ppl in our 4 unit class.
and our lessons are spent on theory and we have to do the excercises at home.
we went through half the theory for integration this week
pretty hectic
we had the cambridge book
but our teacher bought us the terry lee book
i think its so much better
worked solutions and stuff incase u get stuck
should still try really hard not to look at the answers tho
Yeah Im pretty sure they are part of the course cause they can come up in hsc exams.
i dont worry about remembering the 1st rule anyway, because the 2nd rule works for all of them, so i just remember them.
yeah thats the one
and where i wrote y+5 i meant y=5.
and can someone please help me tonight if it's possible, its just i need it for tomoro. thanks
hey how ya's doin?
can someone help me with an integration question from the 2006 hsc?
It's finding the volume between the curves y=x^2 +1 and y+5 in the first quadrant only
i keep getting 8pi but my teacher says its 112pi/3.