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  1. freeeeee

    Rewards from parents for good marks

    I think paying all my Uni fees is more than enough of a reward =P
  2. freeeeee

    BOS ATAR Estimations Ppl estimated me for 88- low 90s, ended up with 97.35 so yeh...
  3. freeeeee

    Help with cut off and my atar

    probably, the demand for that course is probably very low in comparison to commerce etc, GJ btw
  4. freeeeee

    Share your 2012 ATAR here

    Matrix 97.2 Atar 97.35 =P
  5. freeeeee

    2012 School Rankings

    Re: Top 100 School Rankings Chatswood High ftw
  6. freeeeee

    Share your 2012 HSC results here

    Chem 94 Eco 90 Eng Adv 86 2U Math 94 3U Math 45 Physic 86 Matrix Estimate: 97.2
  7. freeeeee

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

  8. freeeeee

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    yeh something like that, cant remember exactly now but was like 1.3 or 1.4
  9. freeeeee

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    cant remember which one was p or q now, but the left one was chlorine gas, right one was hydrogen gas
  10. freeeeee

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

  11. freeeeee

    Band 6 Cut-off estimations?

    Yep ~72 for Band 6 ^agree, YES the electrochemical was BS for people who did not learn lead acid. I learnt dry cell and silver but i still know 70% of lead-acid, so was able to apply to question Luckily lol.
  12. freeeeee

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    correct, i got the same, teacher said so to
  13. freeeeee

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    yep correct, i got the same, teacher said so to
  14. freeeeee

    Industrial Chemistry.

    I got similar, cant remember exactly now but was like 2000 something. Im pretty sure we are correct.
  15. freeeeee

    Who's up for an option all-nighter?

    lolz gn guys, GL for tomorrow
  16. freeeeee

    Is it true that you don't always do as bad as you think you have?

    Sounds like u guys have poor metacognition, i know for me when i walk out of an exam confident i know roughly what i am going to get with ~10% discrepancy, and when i feel like i bombed i also know roughly what i will get around the same discrepancy. Everyone is different haha
  17. freeeeee

    Who's up for an option all-nighter?

    GG Q: Outline the recent discovery of a new element (2marks)
  18. freeeeee

    Stress overload...

    Many of my ESL friends, some with youth allowane have applied for EAS. They have been told by previous students who applied in same circumstances to not get their hopes up as their situation is not very serious. I think your case is plausible, GL hope your brother gets it, must be terrible to...
  19. freeeeee

    Raw marks required for Bands

    so true
  20. freeeeee

    Predictions for 6/7 marker questions this year?

    Will be too hard to mark, although the probability it will be tested is there