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  1. BlueGas

    Re: UTS vs Notre Dame Nursing Sydney

    Go with UTS. I don't know about Notre Dame but UTS has U:PASS (peer assisted program) which will definitely help you in first year subjects.
  2. BlueGas

    Pathways to Medicine?

    I don't think your ATAR matters. It's mainly about your GPA and GAMSAT results, as well as an interview + portfolio (depending on what uni) if you're successful.
  3. BlueGas

    The Anime Thread

    Why what happened the first time?
  4. BlueGas

    What laptop should I get for uni?

    Yeah but how do you say that to customer service? Do you just say under ACL consumer rights I am entitled to have my laptop repaired even after it's warranty has expired?
  5. BlueGas

    2nd Year BSc Subject Recommendations

    I didn't do Phys Systems or Diagnostics (I'm going to be doing that this year), but I can give you some advice for Epi and Immuno. For Epi, don't worry about not going lectures as most of them are common sense, however make sure that you understand what causes some of the infectious diseases...
  6. BlueGas

    2nd Year BSc Subject Recommendations

    I haven't personally done the subject, I just heard that it wasn't considered difficult.
  7. BlueGas

    2nd Year BSc Subject Recommendations

    Career management for scientists (you should definitely do this as it's really easy), Animal behaviour and physiology, Foundation of maths (if you done 2U maths in high school and went well for that then this subject should be easy as well)
  8. BlueGas

    UTS or ACU? Bachelor of Education (Primary)

    Don't know about ACU but with UTS you can get some sweet experience with the some of the subjects you do while being undergrad.
  9. BlueGas

    Do I need to attend the UTS Official Welcome + Faculty Welcome

    Honestly it's up to you. If you see yourself meeting alot of people and having a good conversation (which won't likely happen as everyone is shy) then stay. But you don't even need to go on the day if you have other better things to do.
  10. BlueGas

    them Sydney Trains moments

    I laughed so much when I read your description about how she vomited, perfect.
  11. BlueGas

    Is 99.15 considered a good ATAR?

    He should redo his HSC.
  12. BlueGas

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Not that much really, just make sure you're up and early enough to be able to select the classes when they're available otherwise you won't end up with the timetable you want.
  13. BlueGas

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Yeah dude I agree. I'd rather finish everything early in the day and come back home with enough time to study. If I have midday classes I don't feel like studying beforehand because I'll be preparing for the upcoming class.
  14. BlueGas

    UTS Chatter Thread

  15. BlueGas

    90+ with no Band 6's

    Nothing unusual here, you received great marks for Eng Adv/Ext, Chem, and 2U maths which were the subjects that scaled you up.
  16. BlueGas

    UTS 2017 Spring Semester Results

    Bro how... Teach me your ways
  17. BlueGas

    UTS 2017 Spring Semester Results

    Got my first pass :(
  18. BlueGas

    Can you still become a doctor if you were diagnosed with depression in the past?

    Was your depression caused by the people around you or by yourself? If it's the former then it might be tough being in the medical life.
  19. BlueGas

    borrowing money from bank

    I was just checking out that calculator and it gives you an option to choose between 1% - 25% interest rate, obviously the lower interest rate the less you have to repay each time period, so wouldn't it be the better option to go as low as possible? Why are we given the option to go at a higher...