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  1. BlueGas

    lab mark breakdown usyd science?

    And the rest of the actual experiment?
  2. BlueGas

    How relevant is HSC chem to university chem?

    In first year, uni chem is just like hsc chem. Later on you get into the specifics of physical and organic chemistry (which thankfully will be taught in the new hsc syllabus). It doesn't matter what levels of maths you have, as long as you can do basic maths you're fine. Just wanna also point...
  3. BlueGas

    decent uni part time jobs

    You always come up with these out of the blue ideas that actually work.
  4. BlueGas

    Discussion Thread for Atar Notes & other forums

    Re: ATAR Notes vs Bored of Studies This forum has InteGrand, Atar Notes doesn't. Nuff said.
  5. BlueGas

    Not feeling stressed?

    With your ranks, probably a 93-94. But if you improve on physics (which I'm sure you already know you do), then you'll achieve your goal.
  6. BlueGas

    Not feeling stressed?

    So will you achieve that with your average marks? How average are they?
  7. BlueGas

    Not feeling stressed?

    Smarter people tend to stress more than others because they put too much pressure on themselves which in the long run, benefits them. You'll come across people that overdo their expression of stress just to put others off. I also didn't feel stressed throughout the HSC year, even though I...
  8. BlueGas

    What shirt is this and where can I find them?

    Might not be exactly Dave's shirt but this is pretty similar :)
  9. BlueGas

    Is the teaching job market really that bad?

    Yeah that would be nice, but how hard would it be to find a relationship there and start new?
  10. BlueGas

    Is the teaching job market really that bad?

    How do you know this?
  11. BlueGas

    Is the teaching job market really that bad?

    So can anyone shed some light on this? What's the market like? For what I know, maths and science teachers (specially physics) are in demand.
  12. BlueGas

    IPT study help

    For the conversion of data for the new system I think you're talking about phased, parallel, direct, and pilot. Am I right?
  13. BlueGas

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    You can buy more hours online.
  14. BlueGas

    New HSC Syllabuses Released Today

    Looking forward to the changes in chemistry. It'll actually force students to understand the concepts rather than just rely on rote. Also, the organic chemistry module looks so good, it's exactly what you learn in uni.
  15. BlueGas

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Awww, you won't get to see the new look for building 2 :( What was your favorite memory at UTS?
  16. BlueGas


    If you're set on getting a macbook, don't get the 2016. You want a convenient laptop that doesn't require you to bring anything else, i.e dongles. The 2016 laptop has no usb ports (only thunderbolt), and it is slightly faster performance-wise than the 2015, that's not to say that the 2015...
  17. BlueGas

    How necessary is attending lectures?

    I can tell you right now that since you'll be going home early you won't be watching the lecture that day. Since the weeked will be after that you'll either have plenty of time to watch it which will be no problem, or you'll be lazy and won't.
  18. BlueGas

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    That feeling when you've gotten used to waving your hand under the taps at uni you end up doing that everywhere else.
  19. BlueGas

    Green Ps test practice

    Do practice for the test. I remember there was I think one or two tricky questions that I would have not known if I didn't practise before hand. But don't worry about spending too much time practicing, it's very easy. Good luck.