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  1. trapizi

    HSC Results Countdown

    The moment of truth is coming
  2. trapizi

    HSC Results Countdown

    The site is lagging ......
  3. trapizi

    HSC Results Countdown

    My screen right now
  4. trapizi

    Target removes GTA V from sale

    So I found these
  5. trapizi

    How many words do you write in 60min ?

    14 pages with word this big
  6. trapizi

    Difference between high school maths and university engineering maths

    There is no number in engo maths
  7. trapizi

    Post Your 2014 University Offers Here

    Doctor of Manager Philosophy @ McDonald's
  8. trapizi

    Why are there not many ruse people on BOS?

    Ruse's first world problem
  9. trapizi

    Applying for flexibity access scheme

    I know this kind of question is sort of repeating every year. I'm going to apply for BISAS and it's due tomorrow. My question is: -Do I have to write my answers for the questions as sophisticated as possible? Or just use technical terms and semi-formal writing style? -The questionnaire consists...
  10. trapizi


    1. Nisekoi 2. Mawaru Penguindrum 3. The world god only knows 4. Any yugioh series 5. No game no life
  11. trapizi

    I want to drop a course but the teacher won't let me

    Do not let anyone involve in your decision. It's your choice, just don't gives a shit about what other's thinking.
  12. trapizi

    Series Topic Test??

    Do the ones in excel book.
  13. trapizi

    Interstellar Thread

    Gonna watch it soon
  14. trapizi

    HSC Success One Past Papers

    I think term 2 next year.
  15. trapizi

    study planner
  16. trapizi

    Quick Survey

    Q6. You forgot hygiene
  17. trapizi

    Major Project Survey

    ^ Not existed